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Tom Garget's sword had clattered down beside me, and with it I sprang afoot and cut a whizzing circle by my doughty captain's ear that made him cringe and gasp and all but tumble out upon me. The bit of parchment fluttered down and in a trice I had it safe. You may think small of me, if so you must, my dears, when I confess what followed after.

"Is it oatmeal or brimstone, Sawney?" said he, seizing him by the chin, which he shook, to the inexpressible diversion of all present. My companion, feeling himself assaulted in such an opprobrious manner, disengaged himself in a trice, and lent his antagonist such a box on the ear as made him stagger to the other side of the room; and, in a moment, a ring was formed for the combatants.

Before Ruth could hurry down, Nora, looking greatly bewildered, came out of her room and rushed to the door. In a trice she was back again with the telegram and had put it into Ruth's hands. "Fifteen cents' charges," she said. "Pay it," returned Ruth. As the maid turned away, she tore open the envelope. Before she could open the form, a firm hand was placed upon hers.

So a little abroad about several businesses, and then home and to my office till night, and then home to supper, teach my wife, and so to bed. 23rd. Up, and this morning comes Mr. Clerke, and tells me that the Injunction against Trice is dismissed again, which troubles me much. So I am to look after it in the afternoon.

After a while she met a stream, and the stream cried out, 'Pretty Peasie! clear away the sand and dead leaves from my mouth, for I cannot run when I am stifled! 'No more you can! quoth obliging Peasie; and in a trice she made the channel so clear and clean that the water flowed on swiftly.

At the third attempt he blundered right against it, and flung an arm over one of the flukes, next a leg, and in a trice we were hauling up, hand over hand. We dragged him inboard. He was pale, but undefeatedly voluble. "Must apologise to you fellows, really. Dam silly, clumsy kind of thing to do; might have been awkward too.

Simpson, however, was equal to the occasion, for with wonderful promptness he jumped from his jaded mule, and in a trice shot his own animal and ours also, and ordered us to assist him to jerk their bodies into a triangle. This being quickly done, we got inside the barricade of mule flesh and were prepared to receive the Indians.

Did she tell you? I never heard " "Didn't give her a chance! Heard her ordering you, and nipped mine up in a trice. Treat it as a matter of course, and don't seem to mind that's the tip! Only get yourself disliked by making a fuss." "I know, but I can't help it," sighed Rhoda dismally. "I'm not used to bullying, and it makes me wild. My head's splitting. I feel all churned up."

In a trice the men were pushing each other up the rickety ladder and had disappeared into the darkness above. Quick as a flash Tommy leapt from his hiding-place and dashed down the stairs, pulling the girl with him. There was no one in the hall. He fumbled over the bolts and chain. At last they yielded, the door swung open. He turned. Annette had disappeared. Tommy stood spell-bound.

That effort, which would have been entirely successful in the case of a non-rigid balloon, was obviously futile in that of a Zeppelin. Not the gas in the ballonets, but the great rigid frame covered with water-proofed cloth constituted the huge bulk that made her the plaything of the winds. In a trice she was snatched from the hands of her crew and hurled against the trees in a neighbouring grove.