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Finally, with an incredible spring, it leaped onto the chain supporting the lamp above my head, and with the garish shade swinging and spinning wildly, clung there looking down at me like an acrobat on a trapeze. The tiny, bluish face, completely framed in grotesque whiskers, enhanced the illusion of an acrobatic comedian. Never for a moment did it release its hold upon the key-ring.

Nothing could be more docile than the pensive lower lip, and the meek curve of the neck; nothing could be more contradictory than the light of its eye; a brooding, baleful fire, quietly biding its time. "Scatter, friends!" cried Red, as he put his foot in the stirrup. "Don't be too proud to take to timber!" He swung over as lightly as a trapeze performer, deftly catching his other stirrup.

"I don't know whether I want to look like her or not," she remarked, coldly. "Why not?" he flashed back. "And I don't want to be like her, either. She can't do anything. She can't cook, or swing on the trapeze, or skate, or fish, or row, or swim, or climb a tree, or ride horseback, or walk, or anything." "I could teach her," mused Romeo, half to himself. "I taught you."

Joe Strong turned over in his berth in the circus sleeping car. Something had awakened him from a sound sleep. At first he was not aware what it was, but as his brain cleared he realized that it was some sound of confusion outside the car. "Where are we?" he asked, for he saw Tonzo Lascalla, his trapeze partner, peering from between the curtains of his berth across the aisle.

And I say, without fear of successful contradiction, that there is not one act down on the show bills or posters not one pageant, not one wild animal, not a riding act, not a driving act, not a trapeze act, which we advertise, that we do not give you complete, in full and in its entirety. "We have advertised to give you a fancy diving act in a glass tank of water, and you have all seen that. Mr.

The public does not like it that they do not see all the animals. I hope Prince is not going on a rampage as Princess did." Joe recalled the time when, by quick action, he had prevented the lioness from escaping. She had been shot later, while he was in the hospital recovering from the effects of a fall from his trapeze. Now her mate was making trouble. "Softly now, Prince!

"What other times were they?" "Don't you remember when the bottle of acid was found?" asked the abashed youth. "Yes! Was that some of your doings too?" cried Joe hotly. "No, I didn't do it. He did. But I I looked the other way when he did it. And then there was the time when the trapeze wire broke. It was acid that did that. He put it on."

If the balloon would only come down more quickly it would get to within such a short distance of the water that the man could safely make the drop. But the immense canvas bag was settling so slowly, for it was still very buoyant, that considerable time must elapse before it would be near enough to the water to make it safe for the unfortunate man to let go the trapeze.

He said that all the blood in his body went into his head, and that made him feel sleepy, while it cooled off his body and legs. There's no accounting for tastes, but as for me, give me a good bed where I can stretch out, and I'll never ask to sleep on a trapeze bar.

At the very moment the young man let go of the trapeze a faint scream was heard, and Caillette, deadly pale, stood next to Fanfaro. "How you frightened me, you wicked fellow," said the young girl, drawing a deep breath. "Were you really frightened, Caillette? I thought you would have got used to my exercises long ago."