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Updated: December 19, 2024
The vicomte's stupidity excited the Italian's pity, but he did not allow his feelings to be perceived, and said: "I think we have discussed this Fanfaro long enough. Let us not forget that we are still in the Carnival, and that we must hurry if we still wish to seek some distraction; forget the fatal scene of a short while ago."
Girdel walked up and down in a dignified way and the crowd respectfully made way for him, while the giant, in stentorian tones, gave the orders to Fanfaro and Bobichel. Bobichel's name was not on the bills; he was to surprise the public as a clown, and therefore his name was never mentioned.
They both went into the hall and held a conversation in low tones. Suddenly a cry of joy reached their ears, and the next minute they saw Bobichel, who, in his anxiety about Fanfaro, had hurried along the road, enter the house with the young man. "There he is," whispered Robeckal, "God knows how it is, but neither fire nor water seems to have the slightest effect on him."
In the meantime Gontram had learned from Mamma Caraman that Jane Zild had disappeared, and the thought flashed through his mind like lightning that Signor Fagiano's remark, which Carmen had overheard, related to her. He told Fanfaro about it, and they both resolved to examine Jane's room.
"What bothers me most," interrupted Coucou, "is the fact that the vicomte took his pistols along." Fanfaro became pensive. "Have you any idea how the young girl was wounded?" he asked after a pause, turning to Madame Caraman. "No, but Monsieur Sabran knows." "The painter? I shall go to him directly." "We have been to his house already, but he has not been home since this morning."
In the meantime Girdel continued to converse with the two gentlemen; Schwan went here and there, and Fanfaro, Caillette and Bobichel were waiting for the athlete's orders for the evening performance. "How goes it?" asked the carman, now softly. "Good," replied Girdel, in the same tone. "The peasants are prepared?" "Yes. The seed is ripe. They are only waiting for the order to begin to sow.
He belongs to a company of acrobats who give performances in the Place du Chateau d'Eau. They have all such peculiar names. One of them is named Firejaws " "Perfectly right; he is Fanfaro's foster-father, and Fanfaro is your brother." "Who told you so?" "He, himself; he begged me to care for his sister." "But why does he not come? I long to see him." Irene, too, longed to see Fanfaro.
"Oh, Bobichel!" exclaimed Fanfaro, gratefully, "if you want to help us?" "Of course I do. I will accompany master to Robeckal, for I also have a bone to pick with the scoundrel." Louison's crazy mother had passed a miserable night.
See that you take a little walk afterward on the country road. I will meet you there and tell you my plan." "Do so. Let us go to dinner now, I am hungry." When Rolla and Robeckal entered the dining-room, Girdel, Caillette, Bobichel, and Fanfaro were already sitting at table, and Schwan was just bringing in a hot, steaming dish.
"But, Bobichel, why should that be a misfortune? Perhaps he went on a short journey." "No, both Coucou and Madame Caraman maintain that his disappearance is a misfortune." "Tell me all that has happened." "Then listen. On the evening that the vicomte came back from the soiree, he did not go home directly, but first took an opportunity to rescue a wounded girl." "A wounded girl?" repeated Fanfaro.
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