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I done tol' him you might be back to-day an' den ag'in you mightn't 'pended on de way de ducks was flyin'. Spec' he'll be roun' ag'in purty soon seemed ter hab sumpin' on his min'. I'll tu'n de knob, sah. Yere git down, you imp o' darkness, you Floe! you Dandy! Drat dem dogs!

"Den de Yankees tol' me I was free, same as dey was. I come an' tol' Marse Bob I was a-goin'. He say, 'If you don't go to work, Nigger, you gwine a-git whupped. So I run away an' hid out in de woods. De nex' day I went to Meridian. I cooked for de sojers two months, den I come back to Forest an' worked spikin' ties for de railroad.

"An' de way fer you ter close yo' do' tightes' ag'inst 'im is ter take me in his place. He ain' got no claim on you no mo'. He tuk his ch'ice 'cordin' ter w'at de lawyer tol' 'im, an' 'termine' dat he wa'n't yo' husban'. Ef he wa'n't yo' husban', he had no right ter take yo' money, an' ef he comes back here ag'in you kin hab 'im tuck up an' sent ter de penitenchy fer stealin' it."

Spen' money dot vot you got. Me, I stay here. I fin' heem; you not got heem all offer de vorld. I tol' you, of a man he keel somebody, he run vay, bot he goin' coom back where he done it. He not know it vot for he do it, bot he do it all right." "Look here, Nelson; it's outrageous! You can't lay claim to that money.

I mak' fire queeck an' cook de breakfas', den you' nose goin' work all right. I got beeg s'prise for dat li'l nose to-day." The top of Rouletta's head, her eyes, then her mouth, came cautiously out from hiding. "What is it, 'Poleon? Something to eat?" "Sapre! What I tol' you?

"Don't wanta go home!" came the heartbroken wail, "don't wanta go home. Mom Murphy'll git me." "I I tol' her," explained Mike uncomfortably, "that she mustn't open her mouth once jus' act deaf an' dumb or you'd guess maybe an' send her home an' Mom Murphy'd git her. An' an' she must take a drum like a boy " Literal Muggs!

"I've got to drive the team home for Mis' Fleetwood to-morrer, I tol' her I would " "Well, you won't. You're going to hit the trail with me just as soon as I can find a horse for you to ride. We'll sleep at the Double Diamond, and start from there in the morning.

If 'twere honest business, why did they go off in the bush alone fer a talk?" Jack shook his head. "Soon as I seen that I went to one o' our batteries an' tol' the Cap'n what were on my mind. "'Damn the ol' British tub. We'll make 'er back up a little, sez he. 'She's too clus anyhow. "Then he let go a shot that ripped the water front o' her bow.

She tol' me how dey brought her from Africa. You know, like we say 'President' in dis country, well dey call him 'Chief' in Africa. Seem like de Chief made 'rangements wid some men an' dey had a big goober grabbin' for de young folks. Dey stole my ma an' some more an' brung 'em to dis country. "I don't 'member nothin' 'bout havin' no pa.

Hector tol' me if I'd come an' live wid' em here, he'd gimme dis house here in de back yard an' paint it an' fix it all up lak you see it. It's mighty pleasant in de shade. Folks used to always set dey houses in a grove, but now dey cuts down more trees dan dey keeps. Us don't cut no trees. Us porches is always nice an' shady.