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His love of Greek terms is admirably described in a little epigram, made on his new tarif of weights and measures, in which the grams and killograms, and metres and killometres are introduced. Les Grecs pour nous ont tant d'attraits Qui pour se faire bien entendre, Et pour comprendre le Français Ce'st le Greque qu'il faut apprendre. He was particularly anxious that his police should be perfect.

"Madame Imogen is enchanted," and she smiled at that lady who had been waiting for déjeuner in the room before they had entered. "Tant mieux!" responded the priest, with his mouth full of egg and mushroom. In his youth, the Héronacs had not imported English nurses, and he ate as his fathers had done before him. "So much the better.

If it violate our contract I must plead extenuating circumstances. Sterne is admonishing a young friend as to his manners in society: "You are in love," he says. "Tant mieux. But do not imagine that the fact bestows on you a licence to behave like a bear towards all the rest of the world.

Over the bronze door which leads to the crypt, are inscribed the following words, quoted from the Emperor's will: "Je desire que mes cendres reposent sur les bordes de la Seine, au milieu de ce peuple Francais que j'ai tant aime." "I wish my remains to be laid on the banks of the Seine, amongst that French people whom I have loved so much." P. Simond.

"And yet the end was not." April 29. This morning I finished and sent off three pages more, and still there is something to write; but I will take the broad axe to it, and have it ended before noon. This has proved impossible, and the task lasted me till nine, when it was finished, tant bien que mal. Now, will people say this expresses very little respect for the public?

Em's little face grew very grave at last, and she knelt up and extended her hands over the drawer of linen. "Oh, God!" she said, "I am so glad! I do not know what I have done that I should be so glad. Thank you!" She was more like a princess, yes, far more like a princess, than the lady who still hung on the wall in Tant Sannie's bedroom. So Em thought.

To make it clearer, he moved his legs after the manner of one going up a ladder, appeared to be opening a door, masticated vigorously, said, "Peaches, peaches, peaches," and appeared to be coming down the ladder. It was now evident to Tant Sannie that Waldo had been in her loft and eaten her peaches.

But Tant Mettie would, doubtless, have a cup of tea ready for me as soon as I arrived, and Hilda would be waiting at the gate to welcome me. I reached the stone enclosure, and passed up through the flower-garden. To my great surprise, Hilda was not there. As a rule, she came to meet me, with her sunny smile. But perhaps she was tired, or the sun on the road might have given her a headache.

I thought it likely enough that we might find it hard to get rid of him. But this was not so. After listening with gratification to our repeated thanks, he bowed with the same grotesque flourish, and marched off as grave as a Spaniard, humming "Ce petit homme tant joli! Qui toujours cause et toujours rit, Qui toujours baise sa mignonne, Dieu gard' de mal ce petit homme!"

"Oh! Monsieur Nu-tong, nous avons tant soufferts! Ah! mon Dieu! point de l'eau rien