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Was old Archbishop Haslam, the present man's last predecessor but four, drowned or not? BURGE-LUBIN. I don't know. Look him up in the Encyclopedia Britannica. BARNABAS. Yah! Was Archbishop Stickit, who wrote Stickit on the Psalms, drowned or not? BURGE-LUBIN. Yes, mercifully. He deserved it. BARNABAS. Was President Dickenson drowned? Was General Bullyboy drowned? BURGE-LUBIN. Who is denying it?

But, alas! partly from his own bashfulness, partly owing to a strong and obvious disposition to risibility which pervaded the congregation upon his first attempt, he became totally incapable of proceeding in his intended discourse, gasped, grinned, hideously rolled his eyes till the congregation thought them flying out of his head, shut the Bible, stumbled down the pulpit-stairs, trampling upon the old women who generally take their station there, and was ever after designated as a "stickit minister."

'Sandy M'Kay took his aith that he was in the English camp more shame till him an' was stickit dead for meddling between King Harry's brother and his luve. It sorted him weel, I say. 'Aweel! continued the first; 'gane is he, and sma' loss wi' him! An' yon old beldame over at St.

"Ye needna care wha did it, or how it was done," said Aislie Gourlay; "but I'll uphaud it for nae stickit job, and that the lairds and leddies ken weel this day." "And was it true," said Annie Winnie, "sin ye ken sae muckle about it, that the picture of auld Sir Malise Ravenswood came down on the ha' floor, and led out the brawl before them a'?"

When he ceased, the silence that followed seemed instinct with thought, with that speech of the spirit which no longer needs the articulating voice. "It canna be the stickit minister!" said the woman to herself. The congregation slowly dispersed, but she sat motionless until all were gone, and the sad faced woman was putting out the lights.

"I reckon if leetle Margery were livin', she'd feel in the verra same way gin anny misfortune happed to me," he told himself. "Aw, weel, lassie!" Thus he spoke aloud. "Since ye're set on gaeing on a wee bit further, we'll gang; but dinna get yer hopes stickit on finding onything!" "Andrew Andrew, himself, has found something! Look look at him!"

"In fine," he stammered "my beloved brethren, if you do not repent and be converted and return to the Lord, you will you will you will have a very bad harvest." Having uttered this solemn prediction, of the import of which he, like some other prophets, knew nothing before he uttered it, Murdoch Malison sat down, a stickit minister.

"Sic a couple 's yon twasum wad mak!" she replied, again bursting into gelatinous laughter. "Wha, than? I canna lea' my milk parritch to come an' luik." "Ow! jist Meg Horn, the auld kail runt, an' Sanny Graham, the stickit minister. I wad like weel to be at the beddin' o' them. Eh! the twa heids o' them upon ae bowster!" And chuckling a low chuckle, Mrs Catanach moved for her own door.

The body of men-at-arms next flung themselves on the Scottish front, but their charge was embarrassed by the narrow space along which the line was forced to move, and the steady resistance of the squares soon threw the knighthood into disorder. "The horses that were stickit," says an exulting Scotch writer, "rushed and reeled right rudely."

"Hech! sic a parish, a parish, a parish; Hech! sic a parish as little Dunkeld! They hae stickit the minister, hanged the precentor, Dung down the steeple, and drucken the bell." "But may I keep the books a little while, Mr. Mackaye?" "Keep them till ye die, gin ye will. What is the worth o' them to me?