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Oh, and I want to introduce my good friend here, Ned Newton." "Glad to meet ye, shipmate! As for my salvagin' outfit, it's aboard ship. We'll pick up my old barge, the 'Elizabeth B., but I calls her the 'Betsy B., at Key West, where I keeps her anchored. She's in a manner o' speakin' my winter home." Captain Britten picked up a huge, battered old suitcase.

Giaccomo and his shipmate, or prisoner whichever the reader likes were somewhere forward, probably sitting down; but it was impossible to see them in the impenetrable darkness. I called Giaccomo aft, and his voice, when he spoke in reply, sounded strange, weird, and unnatural.

"Aye, aye, Shipmate, that does ketch me, all aback, shipmate. Why Lord! I'd give a pound, two pound ah, ten! just to have been astarn of him wi' a rope's end, though come to think of it I'd ha' preferred a capstan-bar." "Peterday," said the Sergeant removing his gaze from the wall with a jerk, "on the twenty-fifth instant we shall be without a roof to cover us, and all my doing.

And, since 'tis here why then where sis the vile rogue Tressady? Which is matter for painful speculation, Martin where?" "Snoring, likely enough!" says I, "Not so far hence, or tramping hither." "If so, Martin, then Death cannot touch him, the which is out of all reason!" "'Tis more like the fall did not kill him, Adam." "Had you but seen the place, shipmate!

Morton's head disappeared, and after waiting a few moments to make sure he did not intend coming up on the poop, I returned to the skylight. My precious shipmate was talking again. "Hi 'eard 'im sy in the Knitting Swede's 'ow 'e was shipping in this ship just to ryse 'ell." "He said that, did he?" commented Captain Swope. "Now what have you to say to that, Newman?"

When the voyage is at an end, you may do as you please, but so long as you belong to the same vessel, you must be a shipmate to him on shore, or he will not be a shipmate to you on board.

It was one of those incidents which frequently occur to the men attached to vessels which visit that coast for the purpose of providing a supply of wood and water, and which would require too much space to relate here. "Did you run, Manuel?" said the listening shipmate. "What else did me do? If I no run, I'd not be here dis night, because I be make slave, or I be killed wid club.

There was a sayin' we had aboard the old Queen Charlotte 'A messmate afore a shipmate, we said, 'an' a shipmate afore a dog, an' a dog, though he be a yellow dog, afore a sojer. But what vexes me is the triumphant arches we wasted on such a chap." "My love," said the Doctor to his spouse, "I congratulate you on your fancy for professional soldiers. You are married to one, anyway." "Dearest!"

While I was at work in the hold, at Havre, a poor female passenger, who came to look at the ship, fell through the hatch, and was so much injured as to be left behind. I mention the circumstance merely to show how near I was to a meeting with my old shipmate, who is writing these pages, and yet missed him.

At any rate, I confided to him next day that I thought of being a soldier. "Do you know what we used to say in the Navy?" he answered. "We used to say, 'A friend before a messmate, a messmate before a shipmate, a shipmate before a dog, and a dog before a soldier." "You think," said I, somewhat discouraged, "that the Navy would be a better opening for me?"