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"They're takin' a mighty good look," commented Carter at the end of the two hours. Sanderson's face was set in a frown; he saw that the men were working very slowly, and were conferring together longer than seemed necessary. At the end of three hours Carter spoke to Sanderson, his voice hoarse with rage: "They're holdin' us up purposely. I'll be damned if I'm goin' to stand for it!"

In 1869 he got prizes for classical literature, Latin prose, Latin elegiacs, and Latin hexameters. But if Dr. Holden exercised much influence over Groome’s taste, the assistant master, Mr. Sanderson, certainly exercised more, for Mr. Sanderson was an enthusiastic student of Romany. The influence of the assistant master was soon seen after Groome went up to Oxford.

"We consulted Captain Dodge, who admitted himself ready to take another passenger, and even to accommodate Railton, if that were my wish. Only, he explained, Mr. Sanderson had especially told him that I should wish to be alone, being an invalid. So the bargain was struck. "Mr. Sanderson did not seem altogether pleased when I informed him that I intended to take a companion.

It came to pass, therefore, that for two years the young wife's tears and entreaties prevailed; but at the end of this time, matters growing worse and worse, and also because it seemed hard that Lantrig should pass away from the Trenoweths while, for aught we knew, treasure was to be had for the looking, poverty and my father's wish prevailed, and it was determined, with the tearful assent of my mother, that he should start to seek this Elihu Sanderson, of Bombay, and, with good fortune, save the failing house of the Trenoweths.

Sanderson, the mother of the maids, and after dinner my Lady and she and I on foot to Pater Noster Row to buy a petticoat against the Queen's coming for my Lady, of plain satin, and other things; and being come back again, we there met Mr. Nathaniel Crew Sub-Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford, 1659.

Dave was tired by the hard journey, and it was not long before he was sound asleep. He did not awaken until four in the morning, when Sanderson aroused him. "Why didn't you call me before?" he cried, leaping up. "I want to do my full share of duty while I am out with you." "It's all right, lad," answered the other. "I'm not very sleepy myself, but a couple of hours won't do me any harm."

Mack could break that M'Gill in two if the foolish fellow became really fresh with you. Now! I don't want to say anything to hurt your feelings, Frances; but it does seem to me that this Pratt Sanderson was too handy when that hold-up man got the chest." It was just as the girl feared. She bit her lip and said nothing. She did not see what there was to say in Pratt's defense.

Written by John Janes, servant to the aforesaid Master William Sanderson. May.

"She must be in the game or her letters to some of her friends would have betrayed their whereabouts. What was she like?" "Miss Sanderson was very popular in a certain rather flashy set in Chicago. But her folks were bounders. They lived right up to the limit, just as Dawson did, in my opinion.

One by one he passed the steers in his path, and just before he reached the entrance to Devil's Hole he passed the foremost steer. Glancing back as Streak thundered through the neck of the Hole, Sanderson saw Soapy coming, not more than a hundred yards behind.