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I mean to be courageous for my friend as most women are for the world. I wish to vary happiness. I wish to put intelligence into tenderness, and to give piquancy to fidelity. I am filled with ambition to kill the rivals of the past, to conjure away all outside griefs by a wife's gentleness, by her proud abnegation, to take a lifelong care of the nest, such as birds can only take for a few weeks.

A Grecian nose would take all the piquancy out of her face. "It may be a little more than two years," considered Delia, "and The. may start off again. Oh, I'm pretty sure to go some time!" "I've quite made up my mind to go some time," Ben announced gravely, then laughed. "It would be such fun to go together," said Dele, in her harum-scarum fashion, without a thought of any future contingency.

Ribbed worsted stockings and heavy shoes made up, with the greater garment, the sum of his visible attire. Old Matthew had a vast reputation for wise saws and proverbs; his speech seemed to be made of little else; and though the dalespeople had heard the old sayings a thousand times, these seemed never to lose anything of their piquancy and rude force.

Is the air of Berkeley Square so much more joy-giving than the atmosphere of Seven Dials? I find myself a piquancy in the air of Seven Dials, missing from Berkeley Square. Is there so vast a difference between horse-hair and straw, when you are tired? Is happiness multiplied by the number of rooms in one's house? Are Lady Ermintrude's lips so very much sweeter than Sally's of the Alley?

They are remarkably charming, written with a mixture of piquancy and distinction; and I will quote the characteristic beginning and end of the last letter I was able to find. It begins: 'No, it is impossible to be sulky with you! and ends: 'If I become vicious, it is you, my Mentor, who make me so, and I cast my sins upon you.

His putting to flight the assassins in Ferrara gave him such a reputation for courage, that there went about in his honour a popular couplet "Colla penna e colla spada Nessun val quanto Torquato." For the sword as well as pen Tasso is the man of men. He was a little eater, but not averse to wine, particularly such as combined piquancy with sweetness; and he always dressed in black.

As the paused, and turned with great courtesy to the Duc de , I bowed my way to the Duchesse de B . That personage, whose liveliness and piquancy of manner always make one wish for one's own sake that her rank was less exalted, was speaking with great volubility to a tall, stupid looking man, one of the ministers, and smiled most graciously upon me as I drew near.

She put her arms on the railing and leaned forward, her chin tilted to an oddly taking boyish piquancy. "I say, give a fellow a bite." By no catalogue of summarized details could this young woman have laid claim to beauty, but in the flashing play of her expression, the exquisite golden coloring, one could not evade the charm of a certain warm witchery, of the passionate beat of innocent life.

He was conscious of little more than an impulse to form the acquaintance of one who might give a peculiar charm and piquancy to his May-day vacation, and enrich him with an experience that had been wholly wanting in his secluded and studious life.

She thought Gudrun so CHARMING, so infinitely charming, in her softness and her fine, exquisite richness of texture and delicacy of line. There was a certain playfulness about her too, such a piquancy or ironic suggestion, such an untouched reserve. Ursula admired her with all her soul. 'Why did you come home, Prune? she asked. Gudrun knew she was being admired.