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Then giving him a small packet, wrapped in new parchment, 'The day in which you form the fatal resolution of acquainting yourself with the contents of this packet, said he, 'will be the last of your prosperity; but if you desire to carry your good fortune to the highest pitch, be careful upon every great festival, that is to say, Easter, Whit-Sunday, the Assumption, and Christmas, to plunge a pin in this talisman, so that the point shall pass directly thro' it; observe to do this, and you will live perfectly happy.

Inside the packet were two portraits lying face to face, the one, in pastel, of his father as a young man, with soft curls falling over his forehead, with long, languid eyes, and with a half-open mouth; the other an almost obliterated picture of a pale woman, in a white dress, with a white rose in her hand his mother. Of herself Glafira never would allow a portrait to be taken.

The most striking and extraordinary part of Sir Thomas Dick Lauder's description of this flood is an extract from the log of a sailing packet a sea-going vessel which directed its course over and about the plain of Moray, picking the inhabitants off the roofs of their houses, or such other elevations as they could reach.

The packet was money, many bills stacked neatly, and the size of the bundle made the colonel open his eyes very wide. "We I we owe it to him, sir. There are five thousand dollars here." "So that's what he did with my money, eh? Well, I'll take it." "I don't think it is your money, Colonel Dodd. I have good reason to feel sure that it is not.

He stooped down, a twisted smile on his lips, and, taking from his pocket the packet of papers and the blackjack, tucked them under several folds of the cloth. "Unto Caesar!" she had said. Well, he had rendered back to "Caesar" the things that were "Caesar's." He straightened up. The Secret Service men would know where to look she would have seen to that! "Unto Caesar!"

"You'll hang yourself afterwards, you know, if it does! I'm not joking." The fire, choked between a couple of smouldering pieces of wood, had died down for the first few moments after the packet was thrown upon it. But a little tongue of fire now began to lick the paper from below, and soon, gathering courage, mounted the sides of the parcel, and crept around it.

The old gentleman seemed a good deal put out at finding that he was still to be further delayed and, with a gesture of annoyance, broke the seal of the packet containing the dispatches and began to read the first one, standing. Before he had read much above a dozen words, however, his look of vexation gave place to one of astonishment, and that, in turn, to one of intense satisfaction.

If you get once moored, stem and stern, in old B 's grog-shop, with a coal fire ahead and the bar under your lee, you won't see daylight for three weeks!" "No!" says Tom, "I'm going to knock off grog, and go and board at the Home, and see if they won't ship me for a deacon!" "And I," says Bill, "am going to buy a quadrant and ship for navigator of a Hingham packet!"

Your seasoned packet rat sought the ship with a hard name by choice. His chief ambition was to kick in the ribs or pound senseless some invincible bucko mate. There was provocation enough on both sides.

Her mind was still in turmoil as she went up the broad staircase, clutching against her bosom the precious packet, but her eyes were wet at last. Her father was saved! For herself she had no thought. She halted at the door of his room, listening. It was essential that he should be alone.... She started violently. Another door on the landing opened and Mrs. Lancaster came forth. "Surely Mr.