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My sarvice to you Mr Stapleton," continued old Tom, as Stapleton made his appearance. "I was talking to Jacob about his last dive." "Nothing but human natur'," replied Stapleton. "Well, now," replied old Tom, "I consider that going plump into the river, when covered with ice, to be quite contrary to human natur'." "But not to save a friend, father?"

When a feller does that it shows he is short of ammunition. But I'll tell you what my opinion is. There is no such a thing as natur." "What!" said he. "Why there is no such a thing as natur in reality; it is only a figure of speech.

The scene was real, the likenesses was good, and there was spirit in it, but their damned uniform toggery, spiled the whole thing it was artificial, and wanted life and natur. Now, suppose, such a thing in Congress, or suppose some feller skiverd the speaker with a bowie knife as happened to Arkansaw, if I was to paint it, it would be beautiful.

"It is not becoming that white men should run away from an inferior race," he said. "Maybe it ain't becomin', but it's safe," said Ross. "At least we are far enough away now," continued the master, "and we might rest here comfortably until dawn. We haven't seen or heard a sign of pursuit." "You don't know the natur' of the red warriors, Mr.

Stubmore may be a respectable man, and " "I understand," said Sharp; "I have no doubt as how I can settle it. We learns to know human natur in our profession; 'cause why? we gets at its blind side. Good night, gentlemen!" "You seem very pale, Mr. Arthur; you had better go to bed; you promised your father, you know."

I've seed all the world cheating each other for fifty years or more, but that's no concern of mine; I can't make the world better; so all I thinks about it is to keep honest myself: and if every one was to look after his own soul, and not trouble themselves about their neighbours, why, then, it would be all the better for human natur'. I plied at the Swan Stairs, gained my livelihood, and spent it as I got it; for I was then too young to look out a'ter a rainy day.

Had she only tried to drown her baby I should have said it was quite unnatural; but as she wished to drown herself at the same time, I considers that drowning the baby to take it to heaven with her was quite natural, and all agreeable to human natur'. Love's a sense which young women should keep down as much as possible, Mary; no good comes of that sense."

This was 'a little bit of a friendly turn-up with the weepons of Natur', intended to settle the disputed qualities of the youth of eight local parishes. Paul's presence, it appeared, was entirely providential, for, with the exception of the seven candidates here in search of glory, there was nobody present who had not at one time or another 'fowt' for money.

"This good-looking young Indian is scouting on the track of the Siouxes you may see it by his arrow-heads, and his paint; ay, and by his eye, too; for a Red-skin lets his natur' follow the business he is on, be it for peace, or be it for war, quiet, Hector, quiet. Have you never scented a Pawnee afore, pup? keep down, dog keep down my brother is right. The Siouxes are thieves.

"Was it not rather strange that none of your friends recognized the description of you, published in the paper?" "Seems some of 'em did, but felt kind of jub'rus 'bout pinting me out, for human natur is prone to crooked ways, and they never hearn I perfessed sanctification." "Who told you the prisoner had heard your conversation with the man you met that night?" "Did she hear it?