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Dumbledon at that calamity was movingly shadowed forth as having weakened the parlour-boarder's mind. This production was received with great favour, and was twice performed with closed doors in the dining- room. But, it got wind, and was seized as libellous, and brought the unlucky poet into severe affliction. Some two years afterwards, all of a sudden one day, Dumbledon vanished.

His meager form would acquire a dignity and grace; his long, pale visage would flash with a hectic glow; his eyes would beam with intense speculation; and there would be pathetic tones and deep modulations in his voice, that delighted the ear, and spoke movingly to the heart. But what most endeared him to us was the kindness and sympathy with which he entered into all our interests and wishes.

They were immense, these plans, involving, as it sometimes seemed, the ultimate aesthetic redemption of the whole human race; and provisionally restoring the sense of beauty to those unhappy millions of our fellow country-men who, as Ambrose movingly pointed out, now live and die in surroundings of unperceived and unmitigated ugliness.

"He has been a good man to me," said I. "Well, he was a good man to Katrine, and I was there to see to it," said she. "And she pled for me?" say I. "She did that, and very movingly," said Miss Grant. "I would not like to tell you what she said I find you vain enough already." "God reward her for it!" cried I. "With Mr. David Balfour, I suppose?" says she.

No sooner did our clever medical attendant understand his destination, than he sent away his plate untouched at dinner refused his wine talked movingly of broken constitutions, a predisposition to anasarea, and the deceitful and dangerous appearances of florid health.

It is difficult to speak movingly while sitting on the ground. Instinctively I avoided eloquence. Standing up, I might have been pathetic and pleading. Sitting down, I was compelled to be matter-of-fact. "You remember, of course, the night you and Professor Derrick dined with us? When I say dined, I use the word in a loose sense." For a moment I thought she was going to smile.

After dinner, Don Pedro came to me, and desired to know my reason for so desperate an attempt; assured me, “he only meant to do me all the service he was able;” and spoke so very movingly, that at last I descended to treat him like an animal which had some little portion of reason.

It is meet and fitting that in the gatherings of the loved ones of God and the handmaids of the Merciful in all the countries and lands of the East, these shining words and clear tokens from the Supreme Pen and His Interpreter’s wonder-working handverses which were revealed for that priceless treasure of the Kingdomshould be repeatedly recited, most movingly with devotion and lowliness, and great attention and care, so as to perpetuate her blessed memory, and extol her station, and out of love also for her incomparable beauty.

To acknowledge all this is to recognize that the capacities with which the Covenant had endowed the Guardianship were not a form of magic. Their successful exercise entailed, as Rúḥíyyih Khánum has movingly described, a never-ending process of testing, evaluation, and refinement.

And when Marcia, having sent away the youth, explained: "His air, his voice, his looks, and honest soul Speak all so movingly in his behalf, I dare not trust myself to hear him talk," the apology came with such delicious grace and plaintiveness that the house forgot her coldness in sorrow for her woes. And Barton Booth?