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To acknowledge all this is to recognize that the capacities with which the Covenant had endowed the Guardianship were not a form of magic. Their successful exercise entailed, as Rúḥíyyih Khánum has movingly described, a never-ending process of testing, evaluation, and refinement.

"We shall see," retorted the Khanum, her features wrinkling in a contemptuous smile. "I tell you I feel perfectly well. I have recovered." But she had hardly spoken, and puffed a great cloud of aromatic smoke into the still air of the illuminated room, when the smile began to fade. Balsamides watched her narrowly, and saw the former expression of pain slowly returning to her face.

"The prick of a pin," said he, "and your pain will cease. If the Khanum will consent?" She was in an access of terrible agony, and could not speak. Gregorios took from his case a tiny syringe and a small bottle containing a colorless liquid.

Alexander had fallen a victim to his own folly, and though the penalty had been severe, it was impossible to hold the Ottoman government responsible for what Patoff had suffered, now that the Khanum had departed this life.

You could easily force the Lala to recommend the story-teller to his Khanum. She could tell us about the internal arrangement of the place, at all events, which would make it easier for us to search the house, if we ever got a chance."

But you can not. Only Allah is great!" "If the Khanum will permit her servant to approach her and to touch her hand" suggested Balsamides, humbly. "Gelinis, come," muttered Laleli. But she drew the pale green veil that was round her throat a little higher, so as to cover her mouth. "What is this vile body that it should be any longer withheld from the touch of the unbeliever?

"Retire, friends," said I, "and leave me in peace." "Stir, on your peril!" cried the Khanum. So, seeing there was no help for it but violence, I drew out my pistols, cocked them, and said, "O houris! these pistols contain each two balls: the daughter of Holkar bears a sacred life for me but for you! by all the saints of Hindustan, four of ye shall die if ye stay a moment longer in my presence!"

The Khanum opened her small black eyes, the contortion of her wrinkled face gave way to a more natural expression, and she gradually assumed a look of peace and relief which told Gregorios that the drug had done its work. Even her voice sounded less hoarse and indistinct when she spoke again. "I am cured!" she exclaimed in sudden delight.

On hearing him enter, the porter appeared, and silently opened the outer door. Balsamides addressed him as we prepared to leave the house. "The Khanum Effendi is dead," he said. "Selim will accompany us to the palace, and will return in the morning." The man's face, deeply marked with the small-pox and weather-beaten in many a campaign, did not change color.

She shrank together in her snuff-colored, bag-shaped gown, and hesitated before she would put out her small hand, and her eyes expressed ineffable disgust. But at last she held out her fingers, and Gregorios succeeded in getting at her wrist. The pulse was very quick, and fluttered and sank at every fourth or fifth beat. "The Khanum is in great pain," said Gregorios.