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"Your obedient servant, " WILLIAM MACVEIGH, Sergeant, "In charge of detachment." He folded the report, placed it with other treasures in the waterproof rubber bag which always went into his pack, and returned to Pelliter's side. "I hate to leave you alone, Pelly," he said. "But I'll make a fast trip of it four hundred and fifty miles over the ice, and I'll do it in ten days or bust.

I am sorry to have Miss MacVeigh hurt, but having her in the house with all those pretty things and people coming and going is better than a circus." Mary laughed a little. "You are such a darling making the best of things " "Well, making the best is the easiest way," said Mrs. Flippin. "I ain't taking any credit, Mary." "You've had a hard day. You'd better go to bed."

I'm a woman and you can't. You must take her my baby and go for help." "There is no help," said MacVeigh, quietly. "Within a few hours you will be helpless. I am going to stay and and I swear to God I will care for you as he would have done. He made me promise that to care for you to stick by you " She looked straight into his eyes. He saw the twitching of her throat, the quiver of her lips.

Pelliter stopped short. There was a moment of embarrassing silence. Then he added, bluntly, and with a hand reaching out: "I beg your pardon, Mac. It's this fever. I forgot for a moment that that you two had broken." "That's all right," said MacVeigh, with a quiver in his voice, as he turned for the water. "You see," he added, returning with a tin cup, "this report is different.

Kemp, who had come down in the house truck with Madge's trunks, stood stiff and straight by the door. Being off with Miss MacVeigh he was on with Miss Bannister. Girls might come and girls might go in his master's life, but Kemp had an air of going on forever. When he had seated Becky, Dalton stepped back and gave hurried instructions.

Flippin are carrying her to the house. You are cut a bit. Let me tie up your head." The Major gave efficient first aid and after that Kemp got to his feet painfully. "Is Miss MacVeigh badly hurt?" "She is conscious, and not in great pain. I'm not much of a prop to lean on, but I think we can make that hill together." They climbed slowly, the man of crutches and the man with the bound-up head.

Take it away." He flung his napkin on the tray and turned his face to the wall. "I've got a headache. Tell Waterman that if he asks for me, that I've told you to go down and meet Miss MacVeigh." Kemp stood and looked at the figure humped up under the light silk cover. He had long patience. He might have been a stick or stone under his master's abuse. But he was not a stick or a stone.

"He will come when he thinks you are mine He will come when he thinks you are mine " Randy and his mother arrived in Little Sister, with two of the boarders for good measure in the back seat. They had dropped Major Prime at Flippins', where he was to make a call on Madge MacVeigh. He had promised to come later, however, if Randy would drive over and get him.

Kazan had listened to Pelliter's deliriums many times since MacVeigh had left them alone, and soon he dropped his muzzle between his forepaws and dozed again. A long time afterward he raised his head once more. Pelliter was quiet. But the dog sniffed, went to the door, whined softly, and nervously muzzled the sick man's thin hand.

"If you've got to be caught, it's not going to be by that outfit back there, Mr. Scottie Deane," he said to himself. "It's up to yours truly, and Billy MacVeigh is the man who can do the trick, if he hasn't got a gun!" From the first Billy could see the difficulty with which Deane and his dogs had made their way through the soft drifts of snow piled up by the blizzard.