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Corpses of drunken sailors drowned between decks now floated up amidships, and washed and rolled about among the survivors' feet These, seeing no hope, went about making up all quarrels, and shaking hands in token of a Christian end. One or two came to Dodd with their hands out. "Avast ye lubbers!" said he angrily; "do you think I have time for nonsense?

"They are coming; I hear Emil roaring 'Land lubbers lying down below, so we must run and dress," cried Nan, and up-stairs they scampered in a great hurry. The boys came trooping home with appetites that would have made the big turkey tremble, if it had not been past all fear.

"Ay, ay," said he, "that's some better, sure enough. And now, matey, did that doctor say how long I was to lie here in this old berth?" "A week at least," said I. "Thunder!" he cried. "A week! I can't do that: they'd have the black spot on me by then. The lubbers is going about to get the wind of me this blessed moment; lubbers as couldn't keep what they got, and want to nail what is another's.

"Nay, we can't be far astray while we see Saint Paul's spire and the Tower full before us," said Stephen. "Plainer marks than we had at home." "That may be. Only where is the safe footing?" said Ambrose. "I wish we had not lost sight of the others!" "Pish! what good are a pack of City lubbers!" returned Stephen. "Don't we know a quagmire when we see one, better than they do?"

After a bit they led me up hill, and making me sit down on a rock, they told me that if I stirred an inch before daylight, I should meet with the same fate my master had done. "`How am I to tell when daylight comes, you lubbers, if you leave me with my eyes blinded, said I. "No one answered, but I fancied I heard some one laugh close to me.

I've been having a number of interviews with Crusoe latterly, and he's given me a lot of new points, which I intend incorporating in a sequel for the Cimmerian Magazine." "Well, in the name of Atlas, what island is it, then?" roared Holmes, angrily. "What is the matter with all you learned lubbers that I have brought along on this trip?

"Did you see how the old girl came through it? Never lost a brace or started a seam. Hardly a drop of water in the hold. Didn't I tell you she was a sweet sailer, either in fair weather or foul? But the crew! Holy mackerel! what a gang of lubbers." "You're right to be proud of the craft," assented Tyke. "Has it taken her much out of her course?" "A bit to the north, but nothing more.

"'Yes, sir, he said, 'monkeys is cute. I've come across monkeys as could give points to one or two lubbers I've sailed under; and elephants is pretty spry, if you can believe all that's told of 'em. I've heard some tall tales about elephants. And, of course, dogs has their heads screwed on all right: I don't say as they ain't.

"But, d'ye see," he went on, "it sarved the lubbers right to heave over such a vallyble cask or let it 'scape the lashings, for it's superior quality, with sartinly more jinywine grape-juice in it than in all the wine-merchants' cellars of Paimpol. Goodness knows whence it came this here castaway liquor."

"I thought you old salts were never afraid of anything, short of the Flying Dutchman." "Yes; but the letters I put that in were for young lubbers, who, instead of sending home half their pay, were writing for extra supplies, and were naturally in great fear that their requests would be refused."