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Pickup behind me; "no pay, my dear, unlesh your Rembrandt ish good enough to take me in even me, Ishmael, who dealsh in pictersh and knowsh what'sh what." What did I care about Rembrandt at that moment? I was thinking of my lost young lady; and I should probably have taken no notice of Mr. Pickup, if it had not occurred to me that the old wretch must know her father's name and address.

During the few seconds that the friends stood irresolute, they used ears as well as eyes. Suddenly the whoop of an Indian was heard a brief distance away. "My gracious!" whispered Jack; "they're coming back! They have discovered the trick." "Dot ish so; let's jump on to de water and swim to de oder side."

"Yaw, I ish not forgots him," replied the youngster, staring in the broad face of his parent, and essaying to make use of the little English he had picked up. The good father and mother acted on this principle from the beginning.

"Then why did you screw your face so when it hit you?" "What for screw mine face?" repeated Jacob soberly. "Vy, it vash de de " "That what?" insisted Ben maliciously. "Vy, de-de-vat you call dis, vat you taste mit de nose?" Ben laughed. "Oh, you mean the smell." "Yesh. Dat ish it," said Jacob eagerly. "It wash de shmell. I draw mine face for dat!" "Ha! ha!" roared Ben. "That's a good one.

"We might as well," said Jack, "for we shall only hinder you." "Dot ish de same as I doesn't dinks." A few strokes sent the canoe well out from the land, and the Shawanoe still plied the paddle with extraordinary skill; but, as he left the shore, he knew that in one respect the danger of himself and companions was increased.

"Dot ish lige me," he remarked, phlegmatically, at the conclusion of her tale. "Von nighd I hears somedings what make me scare. I know notings what he ish; I shust hears a noise, an' I shumpt de bed out, and ran de shtairs down, and looked de window out, and it wasn't notings but a leetle tog going 'Bow wow."

"Goot rost benuts ish incite, nein sents a quoort. Shtep in unt py." The English translation followed: "Good roost peanuts is inside, nine cents a quart. Step in and by." Bessie and I were inwardly amused, but did not let it appear to the admiring children. Allie, however, had her own misgivings as to the absolute correctness of the sign, and said, doubtfully,

"If ta torter ish like ta fader, sho quarrelsome, t'man what gets her for a vife don't lives in t'house mit her," Hanz would always conclude. Young as Tite was, he began to look on the matter seriously. The whaling voyage was still exciting his ambition, however, and he began to enquire of every one he thought likely to know, when the people of Hudson would send their first ship to the South Sea.

"Hello, Corp," said my Iron Brigade, as he took his legs down from a table, and poured out a glass of whisky from a bottle near him, "This is the divil's own place for an aisy life." "Gorporal," said my Dutch fellow soldier, as he poured out a glass of schnapps, "Led me indroduce you mit dot repel. He is a tasy, und don'd you forgot aboud it. Mishder repel, dot ish der gorporal fun my gumpany."

I didn't like the twelfth hat, it's too like the third one, so I'm going on as a Jew Pedlar. Give me that box. Now!" And before I could speak a roar of applause had greeted Bobby as he limped on in his twelve hats, crying, "Oh tear, oh tear! dish ish the tarkest night I ever shaw."