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Colonel Woodburn ignored him in saying, "I think, Major Lindau " "High brifate; prefet gorporal," the old man interrupted, in rejection of the title. Hendricks laughed and said, with a glance of appreciation at Lindau, "Brevet corporal is good." Colonel Woodburn frowned a little, and passed over the joke. "I think Mr. Lindau is right.

Colonel Woodburn ignored him in saying, "I think, Major Lindau " "High brifate; prefet gorporal," the old man interrupted, in rejection of the title. Hendricks laughed and said, with a glance of appreciation at Lindau, "Brevet corporal is good." Colonel Woodburn frowned a little, and passed over the joke. "I think Mr. Lindau is right.

Colonel Woodburn ignored him in saying, "I think, Major Lindau " "High brifate; prefet gorporal," the old man interrupted, in rejection of the title. Hendricks laughed and said, with a glance of appreciation at Lindau, "Brevet corporal is good." Colonel Woodburn frowned a little, and passed over the joke. "I think Mr. Lindau is right.

"Hello, Corp," said my Iron Brigade, as he took his legs down from a table, and poured out a glass of whisky from a bottle near him, "This is the divil's own place for an aisy life." "Gorporal," said my Dutch fellow soldier, as he poured out a glass of schnapps, "Led me indroduce you mit dot repel. He is a tasy, und don'd you forgot aboud it. Mishder repel, dot ish der gorporal fun my gumpany."