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The Hieland lairds are pitting their best fit foremost. Will ye apply for shares?" "I think I'll tak' twa hundred. Wha's Sir Polloxfen Tremens?" "He'll be yin o' the Ayrshire folk. He used to rin horses at the Paisley races." "D'ye ken ony o' the directors, Jimsy?" "I ken Sawley fine. Ye may depend on't, it's a gude thing if he's in't, for he's a howkin' body." "Then it's sure to gae up.

Gin I haena the rheumateese screwin' awa' atween my shoothers the nicht it wonna be their fau'ts; for as I cam' ower frae the ironmonger's there, I jist got a ba' i' the how o' my neck, 'at amaist sent me howkin' wi' my snoot i' the snaw. And there it stack, and at this preceese moment it's rinnin' doon the sma' o' my back as gin 't war a burnie doon a hillside. We maun hae mair constables!"

"It's a michty howkin!" said Malcolm; "but for a' that it wadna haud ye frae the grip o' thae scoonrels: wharever ye ran they cud rin efter ye." "I think we cud sort them," said Phemy. But the hole's sae sma' at the laird has ill gettin' his puir hack throu' 't." "I couldna help won'erin' hoo he wan throu' at the tap there," said Malcolm.

"May aw the pearls o' damnation light on your silly snout, an I dinna estricat ye weel enough! Ye ditit donnart, deil's burd that ye be! What made ye gang howkin in there to be a poor man's ruin? Come out, ye vile rag-of-a-muffin, or I gar ye come out wi' mair shame and disgrace, an' fewer haill banes in your body." I was utterly powerless; and, besides, the yarn and cords hurt me very much.

I hae been ower lang connectit wi' them, for I hae carriet the buiks for fifteen year, ever since my faither racket himsel' howkin' the grave o' yer predecessor, honest man, an' I hae leeved a' my days juist ower the wa' frae the kirk." "But then they say, Saunders," said the minister, smilingly, "'the nearer the kirk the farther frae grace."

"Bauldie," said Jock suddenly, as the kites hung motionless in the sky, "this is weel enough, but tak' my word for't it's nothing to the game they're playin' in yon woods." "Div ye mean howkin' geranniums? for I canna see muckle game in that: I would as soon dig potatoes." Bauldie, though a man of his hands, had a prosaic mind and had little imagination.

I hope I can have it, for I'm going to college again, and I've an affection for the old place, despite the smoky chimney and the cans on the cats' parade." "Yer jokin', Maister Jack." "Indeed I am not, Mrs Niven." "They telt me ye was in Callyforny, an had made 'eer fortin there by howkin' gold." "Well, they told the truth, my good woman, but I happened to invest all in Blankow Bank shares, and "

But seein' he 's naither i' the image o' her 'at bore 'im nor him 'at got 'im, but beirs on 's back, for ever in her sicht, the sin 'at was the gettin' o' 'in, he's a' hump to her, an' her hert's aye howkin a grave for 'im to lay 'im oot o' sicht intill she bore 'im, an' she wad beery 'im.

The Hieland lairds are pitting their best foremost. Will ye apply for shares?" "I think I'll tak' twa hundred. Wha's Sir Polloxfen Tremens?" "He'll be yin o' the Ayrshire folk. He used to rin horses at the Paisley races." "D' ye ken ony o' the directors, Jimsy?" "I ken Sawley fine. Ye may depend on 't, it's a gude thing if he's in 't, for he's a howkin' body. "Then it's sure to gae up.