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Och hone! och hone! oh, never did I think to see your head lie so low. My bhoy! my bhoy! why did you die? Why did You lave your frinds, and your money, and your good clothes, and your poor owld mother?" Convulsive sobs again choked her utterance. She flung herself upon the neck of the corpse, and bathed the face and hands of him, who had once been her own, with burning tears.

Hone held her up with that steady strength of his that was ever equal to emergencies, but to his surprise she sprang forward, pulling him with her, almost before she had fully recovered her balance. "Oh, come, quick, quick!" she gasped. "I trod on something something that moved!"

'He never said sic a word in 's life. He wad say, "Poor thing! she was ill-used. Ye maunna sin ony mair. Come, and I'll help ye." He wad say something like that. He'll save a body whan she wadna think it. 'An' I hae gien my bonnie bairn to the deevil wi' my ain han's! She'll come to hell efter me to girn at me, an' set them on me wi' their reid het taings, and curse me. Och hone! och hone!

The step was an unfortunate one, for never was the old peace-maker's influence more needed in the north than at this juncture. These taunts made a deep impression upon the mind of Hone Heke, a clever man who had learned in the mission school at Paihia and in Henry Williams' own household to read and understand something of what was passing in the world.

She stood up to her full height, flinging her fear from her with a royal gesture that was almost a challenge. But Hone was ready for her. Hone, the gentle, the kind, the chivalrous, stepped suddenly forth from his garden of virtues with level lance to meet her. "By the powers," he said, and the words came from between his teeth, "I wonder you dare to ask me that!"

But if he chose a path aside from the crowd, they said: "Behold the son of Amram, who makes it impossible for us to follow the simple commandment, to hone a sage." Then Moses said: "If I did this you were not content, and if I did that you were not content! I can no longer bear you alone. 'The Eternal, your God, hath multiplied you, and behold, ye are this day as the stars of heaven for multitude.

Then, sir, there is Wade, Nelthrop, West, Walcot " he hesitated. "Well, sir," demanded Mr. Chiffinch very fiercely. "That is not all." "No, sir, no no.... There is Hone, a joiner like myself." "Man," cried the page, "we want better names than snivelling tradesmen like yourself." The fellow turned even paler. "Well, sir; but how can I tell that "

Early references to Fenimore Cooper, whom Hone first met at an American dinner to Lafayette in Paris in 1831, are gracious enough, for the creator of Leather-Stocking was a personage, and it suited Hone to stand well with personages.

"They tell your ignorance any nonsense that Christian men refuse to believe," said Henry. "I whistle at my work whatever comes uppermost, like an honest craftsman, and commonly it is the Highlandman's 'Och hone for Houghman stares! My hammer goes naturally to that tune." "Friend, it is but idle to spur a horse when his legs are ham shackled," said the Highlander, haughtily.

Jonas said he should be very glad to do it, for he thought he could buy him some things that would help him very much in his work. Jonas carried the money into the city the next time he went, and bought him a small hone to sharpen his knife, a fine-toothed saw, and a bottle of black varnish, with a little brush, to put it on with.