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"Not a bit of it, my dear fellow," he repeated. "This, I assure you, is my wife. Pray, dear Lizette, corroborate my statement, else our friends won't believe me. But sit down, sit down, and let's hear all about you. Go, Lizette, get 'em something to eat. I knew you would make your appearance ere long. Old Thompson's letter halloo! why what's this? You're wet! and who's this a wet little girl?"

He had hardly reached the trail when he gave a loud halloo, which brought his comrades from their blankets in an instant, and his call set them coming toward him at a run. "Look there, pards!" he cried, and as each man reached his side he stood gazing down at the trail.

Have a little patience, and I will manage the whole thing, 'ship-shape, and Brister fashion, as we say at sea. Halloo there, Master Wychecombe answer my hail, and I will soon get you into deep water." "I'm safe on the ledge," returned the voice of Wychecombe, from below; "I wish you would look to the signal-halyards, and see they do not chafe against the rocks, Mr. Dutton."

"Halloo!" screamed one, "Black, white and yeller!" "Black, white and yeller," echoed a dozen voices. It did not grate so harshly on poor Mag as once it would. She did not even turn her head to look at them.

'Close beside me in the fight, My dying brother says, 'Good night! And the cannon's awful breath Screams the loud halloo of Death! And the drum, And the drum Beats so loud!" Such were some of the dreadful horrors with which a warfare between two kindred peoples was waged; and such were some of the costly sacrifices with which the liberties of Canada were won.

Herne; ‘the child has tipped you a stave of the song of poison: that is, she has sung it Christianly, though perhaps you would like to hear it Romanly; you were always fond of what was Roman. Tip it him Romanly, child.’ ‘He has heard it Romanly already, bebee; ’twas by that I found him out, as I told you.’ ‘Halloo, sir, are you sleeping? you have taken drows; the gentleman makes no answer.

But who was galloping up suddenly on a charger covered with foam, his hair fluttering in the breeze, and his face pale and terrified? It was a Prussian colonel, and still he does not join in the exultation of his countrymen. He approached Generals Blucher and Gneisenau. "Halloo! Lieutenant-Colonel von Muffling," shouted Blucher, "are you back? Do you bring us greetings from Barclay de Tolly?

The triumphant halloo of thirty buckskin lungs was heard, as much nearer to the ship than the place of the imaginary jet, less than a mile ahead Moby Dick bodily burst into view! For not by any calm and indolent spoutings; not by the peaceable gush of that mystic fountain in his head, did the White Whale now reveal his vicinity; but by the far more wondrous phenomenon of breaching.

Before very long Raeburn showed signs of returning consciousness, sighed uneasily; then, opening his eyes, regained his faculties as suddenly as he had lost them. "Halloo!" he exclaimed, starting up. "What's all this coil about? What are you doing to me?" They explained things to him. "Oh! Fainted, did I!" he said musingly. "I have felt a little faint once or twice lately. What day is it?

In the brush and foliage of the sierra, Demetrio Macias and his threescore men slept until the halloo of the horn, blown by Pancracio from the crest of a peak, awakened them. "Time, boys! Look around and see what's what!" Anastasio Montanez said, examining his rifle springs.