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Plateenum foriver, and gould to the Divil," cried she, suddenly, with a sort of musical war-shout, the last words being uttered three feet high in air, and accompanied with a vague kick, utterly impossible in that position except to Irish, and intended, it is supposed, to send the obnoxious metal off the surface of the globe forever. And away she danced.

"Sweerin' will no find him," said the Master coldly. "Noo, Sam'l." The big man shifted his feet, and looked mournfully at M'Adam. "'Twas 'appen 'aif an hour agone, when I sees oor Bob goin' oot o' yard wi' little yaller tyke in his mouth. In a minnit I looks agin and theer! little yaller 'un was gone, and oor Bob a-sittin' a-lickin' his chops. Gone foriver, I do reck'n.

I had no wish to see her; but, although I knew me father no longer loved me, I had still some natral-like feelin's for him; but, as I had runaway from home, I durst not go back, an' so I lift Ireland widout a sight uv him. But I could not lave it foriver, as it might be, widout one more sight uv me mother's grave.

When the river lay solid he usually carried home just twice the rats Dannie had, and as he had patronized Dannie all his life, it fretted Jimmy to be behind even one day at the traps. "Be Jasus, I get tired of this!" he said. "Always and foriver the same thing. I kape goin' this trail so much that I've got a speakin' acquaintance with meself.

"Well, I have; I see him every time I look up in the sky, and there ain't nobody 'with me." The driver crossed himself and whispered, "He's foriver a-sayin' that, an' be the powers, I belave him. Sometimes ye'd think that the howly saints thimselves was a-sphak-in' whin that bye gits to goin' on that way." It WAS wonderful.

Jamie had grown so deaf that he could only hear when I shouted into his ear. Visitors kept on coming, until the little house was uncomfortably full. "Wouldn't it be fine," I shouted into Jamie's ear, "if Billy O'Hare or Withero could just drop in now?" "God save us all," he said, "th' oul days an' oul faces are gone foriver."

"'God save ye, says she, 'may yer meal barrel niver run empty an' may yer bread foriver be roughcasted wi' butther! "I begun t' swither whin she left. Says I, 'Withero, is yer specs clane? Kin ye see th' Son ov Maan in th' Dummy? 'Begorra, I dunno, says I t' m'self. I scratched m' head an' swithered till I thought m' brains wud turn t' stone.

"And now I mind I've seen ye do the same before, Mr. Cleggett. You're foriver grinnin' to yersilf an' makin' thim funny jabs at nothin' as ye cross the bridge. Are ye subjict to stiffness in the wrists, Mr. Cleggett?" "Perhaps it's writer's cramp," said Cleggett, indulging the pleasant humor that was on him.

An' hev Casey make me loife miserable foriver? Not much. He's a harrd mon, thot Casey." Shane crouched back to his port-hole, with his bloody bandaged face and his bloody hands. And just then the train stopped with a rattling crash. "Whin we git beyond thim ties as was scattered along here mebbe we'll go on in," remarked McDermott. "Mac, yez looks on the gloomy side," replied Casey.

And you've nothin' to tell me that I haven't got be heart already." "But this is about Harry, who had supper with us and Mr. Watlin and Tony. It's a most surprising adventure. Just wait and hear." I dragged her to a chair. She settled back with a smile of relaxation. "Aw well," she remarked, "who would be foriver workin' fer small pay an' little thanks? Out wid your story my lambie."