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Whereupon you are just as you were before." And with a somewhat unsteady hand the young man raised a bumper to his lips, whilst eying Sir Michael with the shifty and inquiring eye peculiar to the intoxicated. "Meseems that if you but abstain from playing altogether," quoth Sir Michael impatiently, "the result would still be the same.... And suppose you lose the eight guineas, what then?" "Oh!

Many an eye was directed on M'Adam; but that little man appeared all unconscious. "Weel, Mr. Saunderson," he was saying in, shrill accents, "and shall ye tie Shep?" "What d'yo' think?" asked Rob, eying the man at whom the measure was aimed. "Why, it's this way, I'm thinkin'," the little man replied. "Gin ye haud Shep's the guilty one I wad, by all manner o' means or shootin'd be aiblins better.

"Get up, you horrid man!" said Miss Mary, now thoroughly incensed; "get up and go home." Sandy staggered to his feet. He was six feet high, and Miss Mary trembled. He started forward a few paces and then stopped. "Wass I go home for?" he suddenly asked, with great gravity. "Go and take a bath," replied Miss Mary, eying his grimy person with great disfavor.

"Between what Kennedy has here and what he has stowed away in that laboratory of his, I wonder that any one dares be a crook." I could not help eying him keenly. Could he have spoken so heartily if he had known what it was, damning to himself, that Kennedy had tucked away in the laboratory?

He forgot his supper, and very soon he grew so interested that he turned his chair round and kept eying my supper-card to find out who I was, and at last remembered seeing me in 'The New Boy' and a rotten part it was, too but he remembered it, and he told me to go on and tell him more about your play.

The patron went from group to group saluting his customers and eying those who were not. Whether any password or signal was given Arthur could not say. When the blond, good-natured Schwab reached him, Yetta whispered in his ear. The host beamed on the young American and gave him a friendly poke in the back; Arthur felt as if he had been knighted.

The marmot stood erect on his hind legs, eying the bear warily, prepared to dash for his den beneath the rock the instant the visitor made an unfriendly move. But the bear was a very stupid fellow; he took no note of the marmot. Instead, he looked off across the cañon, swung his head slowly to and fro as though thinking deeply of something a hundred miles away.

Jones, looking ruefully at the patch on my pantaloons, which just then I endeavored to hide with the skirt of my shooting-jacket. "You are quite a sportsman I see," said the captain, eying the great buttons on my coat, upon each of which was a carved fox. Upon this my benevolent friend thought that here was a grand opportunity to befriend me.

The latter were furtively eying the eatables, and wondering how much longer the grace which their master was delivering would be. Suddenly there was a knock at the door below. No one stirred until the bailie had finished his grace, before which time the knock had been twice repeated.

Dick went boldly up to it, and patted its head and stroked its nose, for nothing is so likely to alarm either a tame or a wild horse as any appearance of timidity or hesitation on the part of those who approach them. After treating it thus for a short time, he stroked down its neck, and then its shoulders the horse eying him all the time nervously.