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He cried indignantly, "You know very well what I told you!" "I do not." "No," he sneered, "of course not! You never take the trouble to remember such things. Of course not! Of course not!" "You are a very ridiculous person," she vouchsafed, after eying him coldly. He arose abruptly. "I believe I am. By heavens, I believe I am!" he cried in a fury. She laughed.

Isabelle had distributed her Torsonians skilfully: Bessie was adorable and kept three men hanging on her stories. Mrs. Adams, on the other side of Stanton, was furtively eying Darnell, who was talking rather loudly, trying to capture the Senator's attention from Bessie. Across the table Mrs.

She threw a matchbox across. Fitzpiers caught it, and having lit up, regarded her from his new position, which, with the shifting of the candles, for the first time afforded him a full view of her face. "How many years have passed since first we met!" she resumed, in a voice which she mainly endeavored to maintain at its former pitch of composure, and eying him with daring bashfulness.

As the dignitaries of Church and State make their way beneath the overhanging houses, the lattices are thrust ajar, and you may discern, just in the boundaries of light and shade, the prim faces of the little Puritan damsels, eying the magnificent governor, and envious of the bolder curiosity of the men. Another object of almost equal interest now appears in the middle of the way.

The affability towards his inferiors, for which I lately praised him, was entirely lost in the contempt for impertinent snobs natural to an insulted Etonian. Therefore, eying Lenny with great disdain, Randal answered briefly, "You are an insolent young blackguard." So curt a rejoinder made Lenny's blood fly to his face.

Perhaps you are doing it on purpose to get out of it." Get out of what? What on earth are you prating about?" I demanded, with a fine display of perplexity and sarcasm We were attracting attention. Bystanders were eying us. An old woman, leading a boy by the hand, even paused to watch us, and then her example was followed by some others "Come on, for God's sake!" he implored me.

Following her entrance Herbert had closed and bolted the drawing-room doors, and as an added precaution he now drew Mrs. Dane's empty wheeled chair across them. "Anything that comes in," he boasted, "will come through the keyhole or down the chimney." And then, eying the fireplace, he deliberately took a picture from the wall and set it on the fender.

If my friends and I had realized that you were here by accident, we ought to have taken no steps to save you." "Really!" snarled Coke, eying the unruffled Brazilian much as an Andulusian bull might glare at a picador. A buzz of angry whispering came from the crew. Even Iris flashed a disdainful glance at the man who uttered this atrocious sentiment. De Sylva raised his hand.

Meanwhile, the hall was filling fast. The chorus, chattering with the nervous vivacity which always heralds a concert, were crowding into the fraction of space allotted to them; and, in the open floor beyond, the musicians of the orchestra were gathered into little groups, unpacking their instruments, unfolding their racks and eying the chorus with metropolitan disdain.

Do you know, I suspect that when the real pull comes he won't object to potting at Germans.... Did you do these menu cards, Evelyn? They're awfully well done." She nodded, eying him eagerly. "Yes, I painted them this afternoon. You see, it was a rush order.... As to Nick, I don't think it will come to his enlisting. I've never considered it, really.