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Carley was swift to see the youth and grace of her; and then a face that struck Carley as neither pretty nor beautiful, but still wonderfully attractive. "Flo, here's Miss Burch," burst out Mrs. Hutter, with cheerful importance. "Glenn Kilbourne's girl come all the way from New York to surprise him!" "Oh, Carley, I'm shore happy to meet you!" said the girl, in a voice of slow drawling richness.

As he caught sight of it the young fellow's face brightened gaily. He stepped back a little way, leaned against a linden, and sang, in the drawling tone peculiar to the west of France, the following Breton ditty, published by Bruguiere, a composer to whom we are indebted for many charming melodies. In Brittany, the young villagers sing this song to all newly-married couples on their wedding-day:

They stood suddenly silent in the dark. Carter seemed at a loss what to do. Shaw, though surprised by it, enjoyed the effect he had produced. "Damn me, if I did not think so," murmured Carter to himself; then drawling coolly asked "And perhaps you know, too?" "What do you think? Think I am a dummy here? I ain't mate of this brig for nothing."

The idea was a good one, and he went down to the starboard engine and told the result of the nice little game to his friend the striker, drawling it out in a relishful way, how the blamed idiot never stopped till they'd got his watch, and then looked like as if he'd a notion to jump into the "drink." But 'twould cure him of meddlin' with monte. It would so!

Uncle Be used to say that if Mose Tupper had had the 'makin' uv himself he'd oughter done it more careful. I remember not much of the speech he made, but the picture of him, as he rose on tiptoe and swung his arms like a man fighting bees, and his drawling tones are as familiar as the things of yesterday.

He suddenly released her hands and stepped back, leaving her in possession of the pistol. "Usin' it?" he questioned, drawling, nodding toward the weapon. Betty looked down at it, shuddered, and then with an expression of dread and horror reached out and laid it gingerly on the desk top. The next instant Calumet stood alone, grinning widely at the door through which Betty had vanished.

'Well, there was Mystery, the Mock Turtle replied, counting off the subjects on his flappers, Mystery, ancient and modern, with Seaography: then Drawling the Drawling-master was an old conger-eel, that used to come once a week: HE taught us Drawling, Stretching, and Fainting in Coils. 'What was THAT like? said Alice. 'Well, I can't show it you myself, the Mock Turtle said: 'I'm too stiff.

Soothed by the fragrant tobacco, and with an exquisite feeling of rest and freedom, I lay back in the corner and listened to Latimer's pleasantly drawling voice, as he described to me how he had accomplished his morning's coup. It seems that, accompanied by Tommy and his own man Ellis, he had arrived at Queenborough by the early train.

Penfer, and the drawling intonations, with the occasional rise of the voice at the end of a sentence, came to the ears of Denas with the pleasant familiarity of an old song. As he ceased speaking some woman began to sing "The Ninety-and-Nine," and so singing they rose and passed out of the cottage and to their own homes.

"Yes. Uncommon," came his reply. His face, with the light of the candle gleaming full upon it, bore a queer pallor the white of cold ashes. His right hand, which had been resting carelessly on the blanket, was now gripping it, the muscles tense and knotted. Yet after another long silence his voice came again drawling, well-controlled, as before: "What is he coming out here for?"