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John Sammons was sent to bring up the new member of the company, and Sergeant Corney said, grimly, as he tried without avail to pucker his wrinkled face into a frown: "At this rate you'll soon lose the right to call yourselves Minute Boys, because this 'ere company is fast becomin' a refuge for the aged and outcast."

Before we had advanced an hundred paces, I became convinced that it was impossible we should be able to reconnoitre the camp and return to the point from where we had set out without being killed, or, what was worse, taken prisoner, and yet, had I known for a certainty that such fate awaited us, I would not have let Sergeant Corney know of my unwillingness to follow him.

'If Molly is in t' orchard, I'll go find her, said Sylvia. Corney, with a knowing look, which made Sylvia hate her for the moment. 'A've not forgotten as a were young mysen. Tak' care; there's a pool o' mucky watter just outside t' back-door.

He went away out of Mohill this night, an' he's not to be back agin; av I'd known it afore he started I'd have stopped him in the road, an' by G d he should niver have got alive out of the barony." "But did you hear he was gone?" said Corney. "I did," replied Thady: "but Joe I want to spake to you, and there's no time to spare; come here," and Joe followed him to the door.

I am free to admit that it was childish in any of us to hang back at such a moment, but, thanks to Colonel Willett, the matter was arranged as he suggested, Sergeant Corney, John Sammons, Jacob, and I going to the commandant's quarters, escorted by the colonel and the messenger who had been sent for us.

Here it would be necessary to advance without cover for perhaps an hundred yards, and it was this last and most dangerous work that Sergeant Corney insisted on doing himself.

Leger had made up his mind to see what might be accomplished by a direct attack. I was disposed to make light of the matter, not believing it possible the enemy could effect anything of importance, but lost somewhat of my confidence on observing the grave expression on the faces of the officers. "What is it?" I asked of Sergeant Corney.

"Oh, you are the messengers who claim that Colonel Gansevoort asked us to remain idle until he should give the signal, eh?" the fellow said, in an offensive tone, and Sergeant Corney raised his rifle clubwise, as if to strike him down, but held his hand as he said, slowly, and in a tone which was full of menace: "But that you are already so near your death at the hands of the enemy, I would make certain you never again questioned my word!

Only I never dreamt but what she was troth-plighted wi' Charley Kinraid, said Sylvia, meditatively. 'That wench 'll be troth-plight to th' first man as 'll wed her and keep her i' plenty; that's a' she thinks about, replied Bell, scornfully. Before May was out, Molly Corney was married and had left the neighbourhood for Newcastle.

A met Nanny Corney i' Monkshaven last neet, and she axed me for t' let our Sylvia come o' New Year's Eve, an' see Molly an' her man, that 'n as is wed beyond Newcassel, they'll be over at her feyther's, for t' New Year, an' there's to be a merry-making. Sylvia's colour came, her eyes brightened, she would have liked to go; but the thought of her mother came across her, and her features fell.