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We were tied to a tree, Sergeant Corney on one side and I on the other, within twenty paces of Thayendanega's lodge, where the light of the camp-fire shone full upon us.

With this thought came the knowledge that I had beneath me one clad much like myself, and not the half-naked body of such villains as marched in Thayendanega's train. Then it was, and just as Sergeant Corney came up to us, that I loosened my grasp entirely in order to pass my hands over the stranger's face and head.

"You might save the commandant a good bit of trouble by telling him what you know," Jacob suggested to Sergeant Corney, and the latter replied, grimly: "I'm not sich a fool. It's one thing to let a lot of sneaks get away when you think the garrison will be the better off without 'em, an' quite another to own up to your superior officer that you've winked at desertion.

Tell him I love him so that I will be very sharp with him if he don't make haste and come home. Our father is so good, and it is dreadful to me that Corney won't mind him!

'The least they could do, would be to keep us pretty warm: for our places are hard enough. The conversation was here interrupted by a moan from the sick woman. 'Oh! said the young mag, turning his face towards the bed, as if he had previously quite forgotten the patient, 'it's all U.P. there, Mrs. Corney. 'It is, is it, sir? asked the matron.

They had never been intimate with any family but the Corneys, and even this friendship had considerably cooled since Molly's marriage, and most especially since Kinraid's supposed death, when Bessy Corney and Sylvia had been, as it were, rival mourners. But many people, both in Monkshaven and the country round about, held the Robson family in great respect, although Mrs.

Corney and her daughters to carry off such dishes as were actually empty. There was no time for changing or washing of plates; but then, as Mrs. Corney laughingly observed, 'We're a' on us friends, and some on us mayhap sweethearts; so no need to be particular about plates. Them as gets clean ones is lucky; and them as doesn't, and cannot put up wi' plates that has been used, mun go without.

"Come, come, Paddy," said Dale, interrupting; "don't try to choke us, now; you know very well that one of the fires was only a cut-away affair; two were chimneys, and one was a false alarm." "True for ye!" cried Corney, who had a tendency to become irascible in argument, or while defending himself; "true for ye, Mister Dale, but they was alarms for all that, false or thrue, was they not now?

If you hear anything of Corney, write, please." "You don't imagine," cried the major, firing up, "that I am going to turn tail where you advance? I'm not going to run from the small-pox any more than you. So long as he don't get on my back to hunt other people, I don't care. By George! you women have more courage ten times than we men!"

"That must be a new sort of profession," observed Miss Deemas pointedly. "Oh! I mean painting, you know. It's impossible to arrange one's things in such very correct language, you know, dear Julia; you are really too oh! did you hear of Joe Corney, and what's-his fireman's visit to Mrs Denman? To be sure you did; I forgot it was in your house.