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Immediately he threw the cigar and the lighted match to the floor and dashed wildly to the firm's office. "Do you got to burn the place up yet?" Abe cried, and after he had extinguished the match with his foot, he followed his partner to the office in time to view Morris' coat tails disappearing into the elevator. For two minutes he stood still and shook his head slowly.

You understand that I am trying merely to see your point of view to get at the roots of your theory of government. What you tell me will never find its way to the public." "I realize that," said Vetch gravely, and he added with a quick glance at Darrow: "Do you think if I were not honest that I'd talk to you so frankly?" Stephen smiled. "It might be. The political coat has many colours.

He could not trust himself to speak further. How much did she know? And how much was she capable of grasping? His reticence served only to fortify her trust to elevate it. It was impossible for her not to feel something of that which was in him and crying for utterance. She was a woman. And if this one action had been but the holding of her coat, she would have known.

That stirred them somewhat. She saw their interested faces turned toward her. "With a bomb under his coat, of course, Lily." "He didn't bulge." "Good-looking?" "Well, rather." "How old is he, Lily?" one of them asked, suspiciously. "Almost fifty, I should say." "Good heavens!" Their interest died.

"I have seen her; she told me what she did, and I treated her as I would treat a boy who had brushed my coat, but I shall make amends." "Indeed you shall," said Sylvia, "and I will go with you when you do it."

He started up in his chair; there was a heading concerning a fourteen- year-old boy who worked in a tinplate works and had had the fingers of the right hand cut off. A premonition told him that this misfortune had befallen the little "Family"; he quickly drew on a coat and ran over to the "Ark." Marie met him anxiously. "Can you understand what has happened to Peter?

The simplest course would be to say that he had lost the watch, and was late for dinner because he had been looking for it. He had been out for a long walk he chose the line across the fields that he had actually taken and the weather being very hot, he had taken off his coat and waistcoat; in carrying them over his arm his watch, his money, and his knife had dropped out of them.

The boy, with a slight impatient sigh, laid his head once more on her shoulder, and the grave trio sat on as before. Presently a step was heard approaching inside the house it came along the passage, the door was opened, and a gentleman in a plain black coat came out. He was a doctor and a young man.

"You remember Filmer," Hicks writes to his friend Vance; "well, HE hasn't altered a bit, the same hostile mumble and the nasty chin how CAN a man contrive to be always three days from shaving? and a sort of furtive air of being engaged in sneaking in front of one; even his coat and that frayed collar of his show no further signs of the passing years.

"I shall have nothing to fear but robbers." "And that is nothing?" "What could they take from me? I have not a penny about me." "You forget that beautiful handkerchief with the coat of arms." "Which?" "That which I found at your feet, and replaced in your pocket." "Hold your tongue, imprudent man! Do you wish to destroy me?"