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Then suddenly Dicky leaned on the table and one of H.O.'s boots toppled over, and there was something white inside. It was a letter. H.O. must have written it before we left home. It said "DEAR FATHER AND EVERY ONE, I am going to be a Clown. When I am rich and reveared I will come back rolling. "Rolling?" Father said. "He means rolling in money," Alice said.

And you can imagine how surprised the Clown was when, all of a sudden, the Man lifted the head right off the queer-looking little dwarf and dipped his pen down inside him! "Why, he's an ink well!" thought the Clown. "That's what he is! An ink well! And his head comes off the same as the Porcelain Cat's head lifts off for matches to be put inside her. How very odd! I'd like to talk to that chap."

"Here, sir," said Cobweb. "Good Mr. Cobweb," said the foolish clown, "kill me the red humblebee on the top of that thistle yonder; and, good Mr. Cobweb, bring me the honey-bag. Do not fret yourself too much in the action, Mr. Cobweb, and take care the honey-bag break not; I should be sorry to have you overflown with a honey-bag. Where is Mustard-seed?"

There was no clown in "propria persona," but a poor Mestizo supplied the place of one, for being so unfortunate as to make some awkward leaps at the commencement, and showing some concern at his failure, whenever his turn came, he was sure to be greeted with laughter and applause. The audience had elected him clown, nem. con. thus proving the truth of the axiom,

"Halloo!" came faintly from below where the timber was thickest. The Clown sprang to his feet. "Thar they be, Hite!" he said briskly. "By whimey thar they be!" The trapper strode out into the tangled clearing and after a resonant whoop in reply stood listening and smiling. "Jest like Billy Holcomb," he remarked. "He's took 'bout as mean goin' as a feller could find to git here."

"Am I sure of what?" inquired the Jack, as he swung to and fro on the spring which made him pop out of the box. "Are you sure we are alone?" went on the Soldier. "It would be too bad if we should come to life when any one could see us." "There is no one in the department but us toys," said a Calico Clown, and he banged together some shiny cymbals on the ends of his arms.

As he did so he happened to punch the Clown in the chest, and of course the Clown banged his cymbals together, as he had been taught to do in the workshop of Santa Claus, where he had been made. And as the cymbals tinkled and clanged the typewriter girl laughed harder than ever. Then the man happened to pull one of the strings, and the Clown kicked up his legs.

The old sport appeared to expect to fetch some bream. Bravo! "It wouldn't be hard for you. Besides it is calm," Clown fawningly remarked, and he too dropped a line. The line had only a tiny bit of lead that looked like a weight. It had no float. To fish without a float seemed as nearly reasonable as to measure the heat without a thermometer, which was something impossible for me. So I looked on.

The widow hastened to her side, knelt clown by her, took the injured foot with tender care in her delicate and slender hands, examined it attentively, felt it gently, and then exclaimed with horror: "Good Lord! and did you walk through the streets with a foot in this state?" and looking up at Selene she said affectionately. "Poor child, poor child! it must have hurt you!

The smoldering fires of self-expression, smothered so long, burst into riotous flame. With utter abandonment she flung herself into the merriment of the moment, romping through the dances with any one who asked her, slapping the face of an elderly knight who went too far in his gallantries, dancing a hornpipe with a fat clown to the accompaniment of a hundred clapping hands.