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Not a bad chap, by any means, barring this sort of thing. Well, now she's in town all over settled down, y'know. Writes to my wife. Well, I thought it was no good bein' stiff in these things. Against the spirit of the age what? So I said we'd do the handsome thing and go up. We both wanted a spell of easy so it was handy. Besides, I wanted to see the gel. I own to that.

But to go back to whar I started from, it all makes in the end for that pretty little chap over yonder in the dining-room. Rather puny for his years now, but as sound as a nut, and he'll grow, he'll grow. When his mother poor, worthless drab gave birth to him and died, I told her it was the best day's work she'd ever done." Carraway's humour rippled over.

I glowed inwardly at the note of pride in his voice and looked up to meet a pair of brilliant black eyes looking at me with an appraising approval that grated. He was a tall, good looking chap, with an air of ennui that sat oddly on his powerful frame. I felt sure that I would like Lillian Gale's husband as little as I did the woman herself.

"Go not," saith he, "into the way of the Gentiles, and into any of the cities of the Samaritans enter ye not; but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel;" Matt. x. 5, 6; chap. xxiii. 37; but go rather to them, for they were in the most fearful plight.

Very adroitly one day he led the talk straight to Arkwright; then he asked abruptly: "Where is the chap, I wonder! Why, he hasn't shown up once since the operetta, has he?" Billy, always truthful, and just now always embarrassed when Arkwright's name was mentioned, walked straight into the trap. "Oh, yes; well, he was here once the day after the operetta. I haven't seen him since."

Bender, how does a chap feel when he's in love?" "Very foolish, judging from yourself," returned William; and Henry replied, "I hope you mean nothing personal, for I'm bound to avenge my honor, and t'would be a deuced scrape for you and me to fight about 'your sister, as you call her, for 'tis she who has inspired me, or made a fool of me, one or the other."

Now it so happened, that one of the clerks in old Sir Isaac's office, a Portuguese chap, had been some time before that in the office of the Spanish ambassador; he was a very smart sort of a chap, and sarved as interpreter, and the old commissioner put great faith in him." "But how did you learn all this, Swinburne?" "Why, I'll tell you, Mr Simple.

And I was only an ordinary young chap; not over-strong nor over-shrewd, but honest honest, by God I was! That didn't count. It even stood in my way. For I was too good for this and too mealy-mouthed for that; and while I stuck, considerin' the fairness of a job, some one who didn't care a damn whether it was fair or not, walked in over my head and took it from me.

Yes, Bertie, I am bound to confess it: my first thought was of my own disappointment, and my second of the misfortune of my friends. He had the most diabolical intuitions, or I a very tell-tale face, for he added at once "Sorry to disappoint you, my boy. That's not what you expected to hear, I can see." "Well," I stammered, "it IS rather a surprise, old chap. I thought from the... from the..."

David: "Sorry, dear old chap, but I can't stay to dinner. I'm not going anywhere else but I've got some papers I must study before I go to bed. But I'll stop another half-hour at any rate. Don't ring for lights or turn up the electric lamps. I would sooner sit in the dark studio and put my question. Who has given me that thousand pounds?" Praed: "That's my business: I haven't!