United States or Sudan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I see perfectly," exclaimed his wife. "The natives are allied against us, just as we are, in a way, against them and Mr. Browne. Really, it seems quite natural, doesn't it, dear?" turning to her husband. "Very likely, but very unfortunate. It leaves us to broil our brains out down here on this pier. I say, Mr. er old chap, can't you possibly engage some sort of transportation for us?

The time when systematic instruction in military exercises and in the use of arms shall form part of every youth's education has not yet arrived, but the necessity for some such step looms already on the horizon. Cf. chap. ii. Cf. Principles of Heredity, ibid. p. 242. Cf. next chapter. Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, p. 292. Ibid. p. 329.

The poor chap was shaking with fear, but, after relieving his feelings by making a violent though abortive attack on Godfrey, he soon calmed down and examined us with interest. Whatever the buck thought of us, close observation could find nothing very remarkable about him.

Then men will walk across the road when they meet you or, worse still, hold you out a couple of fingers and patronize you in a pitying way then you will know, as soon as your back is turned, that your friend begins with a "Poor devil, what imprudences he has committed, what chances that chap has thrown away!"

I thought mebby he wuz such a manly chap he didn't want to hurry her, she wuz so young, but everybody spozed they wuz as good as engaged when Jabez Wind come to Jonesville to live with his uncle, old Kellup Wind. He lost his wife, and Miss Wind, his brother's widder, come to keep house for him and brung Jabez with her.

Two young men leaned against the wall of the dancing-room, close to the door, both smoking cigars. They wore evening dress, considerably rumpled, and their attitudes were careless. The elder of the two was Tony Mostyn, a clever but dissipated artist of the decadent school, who steered his life by the rule of indulgence and worked as little as possible. "It's rather dull," he said; "eh, old chap?"

Do you understand, O big man?" "The chap has plenty of sense," muttered Lingard to himself, and when they stood side by side on the deck, he said: "But there may be enemies on the beach, O Jaffir, and they also may shout to deceive my men. So let your hail be Lightning! Will you remember?" For a time Jaffir seemed to be choking. "Lit-ing! Is that right? I say is that right, O strong man?"

I've been saying 'It's raining, now for the last three months, but to-day I will say that the new consul has arrived. That will be a pleasant surprise for the chap in Octavia, for he must be tired hearing about the weather. He generally answers, 'Here too, or 'So you said, or something like that. I don't know what he says to the home office.

Suddenly he raised his head with the light of enthusiasm in his eyes. 'By the way, I was talking to a chap at the Patent Office who told me that there's an enormous boom in inventing in this country just now. Henry ought to get a good article out of it. As a matter of fact it was the only thing that ever was got out of the invention.

He's a spunky little chap, and it was a good chance to tell him, and the other kids, what not to do at a fire. Next time it might be a serious matter." The firemen went away, their engines and apparatus making as much noise as when they had been coming to the fire, and by and by the curious crowd that had gathered in the street went away, too.