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The policeman, with an impolite request that she stop that there caterwauling, knelt on the wet pavement and made a hasty diagnosis of the case. "Leg's broke, and head's caved in a bit. That's all I can see is the matter of him. Who beat him up?" "Him an' her!" accused Mrs. Smelts hysterically, pointing to Dan and Nance, who stood shivering beside Mr. Demry on the top step.

It was not made to be debased by association with this caterwauling wood and wire, this sounding board for barbershop chords, this accomplice of sick lovers leaning on village fences. Then there came a voice: "By gollies, brother, you're getting it! I actually believe you're getting it, brother. We'll have a swell meeting to-night." I went down the steps into the Salvation Army man's dugout.

At last he was satisfied that time had ceased and eternity begun; he began to doze, in spite of himself; the clock chimed eleven, but he did not hear it. And then there came, mingling with his half-formed dreams, a most melancholy caterwauling. The raising of a neighboring window disturbed him.

"It is Wenlock's head," said Genvil "how his eyes stare!" "They will stare after no more wenches now," said the boor "I have cured him of caterwauling." "Thou!" said Amelot, stepping back in disgust and indignation. "Yes, I myself," replied the peasant; "I am Grand Justiciary of the Commons, for lack of a better." "Grand hangman, thou wouldst say," replied Genvil.

It's well vor un I could not get at un: I'd a lick'd un; I'd a spoil'd his caterwauling; I'd a taught the son of a whore to meddle with meat for his master. He shan't ever have a morsel of meat of mine, or a varden to buy it: if she will ha un, one smock shall be her portion. I'd sooner ge my esteate to the zinking fund, that it may be sent to Hanover to corrupt our nation with."

Abbe Mouret attempted to express some doubt, but the Brother burst out: 'Yes, on all fours! And she jumped like a wild cat. If I had only had a gun I could have put a bullet in her. We kill creatures that are far more pleasing to God than she is. Besides, every one knows she comes caterwauling every night round Les Artaud. She howls like a beast.

Just then the cat, whose back had got severely singed in the melee, set up a most lamentable caterwauling; and, on being brought to light from the depths of a closet into which he had flown, his appearance immediately discovered the share he had had in the transaction. "It must have been the cat," said Robberts. "Only look at his back why here the fur is singed off him!

The force of the stroke was alone strong enough to send the knife flying; but, by the addition of a bit of good luck, Pretty caught the wretch on his crazy bone, and set him to such a caterwauling as cats sing of midnights on a back-yard fence.

To these things, and particularly to absolute secrecy, Tim was sworn by the most awful of oaths; and so he and his master parted. A week later a carriage was driven up to Tim's residence in the dead of the night, and a small bundle of caterwauling humankind was transferred from the one to the other. Such was the beginning of the life of young Queed.

"Why, sir, all that caterwauling and stamping was to hide what they were about." "Who were about?" cried Mark. "Them Yankees, sir. They've done us this time. I thought they would." "In the name of common sense, Tom Fillot, what are you talking about?" cried Mark, angrily. "The Yanks, sir." "But what have they to do with it? Oh, my arm! It's nearly dragged out of the socket. Here, speak out.