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This is always a favourite spectacle with the multitude, who never bother themselves about such trifles as anachronisms and unities; and the only difficulty the managers have to overcome in order to insure a remunerative exhibition, is that of finding a quiet locality, which shall yet be sufficiently frequented to insure them an audience.

"Yes, he was here a minute ago." "Where's he gone?" "Bother you! let's see oh, I know; some one came in to say Darlton wanted him in the little music-room." "Darlton never gives lessons after tea. Phew! I see what's up!" The boy looked up from his reading with a grunt of astonishment as his questioner turned sharply on his heel and dashed out of the room.

"I don't deserve any credit. I am nice with her because I like her. I am consulting my own selfish pleasure, you see, and that doesn't count. If I didn't care for Ruth I am afraid I wouldn't bother my head about helping her to have good times." "You are frank, at least," smiled Grace. "Seriously speaking, I am really very selfish," admitted Arline.

"Don't say anything home yet," he said presently. "Fortunes of War. I got to pick the proper time with Susan else she'll get depressed. Not that she isn't a first-rate brick whatever comes along." "All right," I said, "I'll be careful"; and it seemed to me for the time altogether too selfish to bother him with any further inquiries about his responsibility as my trustee.

Never mind the letter." "Never mind the letter?" the junior partner repeated. "A positive charge of fraud is advanced by a man at the head of his profession against a work which we have published and you say, Never mind the letter." The rough customer of the Boldsides struck his fist on the table. "Bother the letter! I insist on knowing what the sale is." Still preserving his dignity, Mr. "Mr.

She would not know who slept in the room or who did not; consequently she need fear no questions. And, on the other hand, as none of the girls in the room knew who the new lodger for the night had been, neither would they bother about her; it might very well be someone who had decided to find a lodging elsewhere.

You could buy a mine on his word: if he said it was good you need not bother to take a journey to look at it, you knew it was right there, and weren't a put-up job. Once when we were working down on the Yuba we got to a place where there were a fault in the rock, and the lode had slipped right away from us.

The fox, seeing him coming, quietly dropped it on the ice, and, putting his forepaw upon it, said to the bear: "Why bother yourself with such an insignificant fish as this, when, if you hurry, you can get any number of fine large ones." "Where are they to be found?" asked the bear. "Why," said the fox, "did you not hear the thunder of the cracking ice on the lake?"

"Bother! Nonsense!" said the professor curtly. "But you mean to say I did not specially help you over the dummy business?" "Well, I really cannot recollect any special way." "Ingrate! And you talk about being grateful." "Well, out with it, Fred," said the doctor. "What was your plan?" "One of my own invention," said the professor, smiling proudly.

Listen, Henry, the one thing that's most important in this world is blood an' breedin'. There's people goes about the world sayin' everybody's as good as everybody else, but you've only got to see people when there's bother on to find out who's good an' who isn't. It's at times like that that blood an' breedin' come out!..."