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I happened to see him in his front office, and on a sudden impulse, I went in, took hold of his collar, and gave him a good licking. The next day he bawled me out worse than ever. He said I was not only a wild Welshman and a blockhead, but what is more deadly still, I was a gorilla and an assassin. And the next day I was elected. I will go back and relate more details of my race for office.

First of all, she had a girl who had a wooden spoon in her hand, and rode upon a goat; loathly and ugly she was, and the very moment she came into the world, she bawled out 'Mamma'. 'If I'm your mamma', said the Queen, 'God give me grace to mend my ways. 'Oh, don't be sorry', said the girl, who rode on the goat, 'for one will soon come after me who is better looking.

Then, at last, the other boat having gone by, he suddenly appeared to regain his wits, for he bawled out after it, "Very well, Jack Malyoe! very well, Jack Malyoe! you've got ahead of us this time again, but next time is the third, and then it shall be our turn, even if William Brand must come back from hell to settle with you."

Nevertheless, when, at the beginning of the fifth act of the play, young Douglas, drawing his sword and looking up at the gallery, bawled out "Ye glorious stars! high heaven's resplendent host! To whom I oft have of my lot complained, Hear and record my soul's unaltered wish Living or dead, let me but be renowned! May Heaven inspire some fierce gigantic Dane To give a bold defiance to our host!

He who plays at fives, says the old proverb, must expect rubbers; and accordingly, one day, when I was sitting upstairs, a hundred voices bawled out, "Pass the word for the fife-major; the adjutant wants him."

Riddel is waiting for you I may just give her a hint of the hopelessness of it." "You're a perfect Mephistopheles, sir!" bawled the indignant Major. Halibut bowed. "Strategy, my dear Brill," he said, smiling; "strategy. Now why waste your time? Why not make some other woman happy? Why not try her companion, Miss Philpotts? I'm sure any little assistance "

The latter ruminated on the event, breathing stertorously, while Duncan was fixing up a wash of peroxide. "She'll kill me some day," he announced suddenly, with intense conviction in his tone. "Oh, don't say that...." Opposition roused Pete to a fury of assertion. "Yes, she will, sure!" he bawled. Then his emotion quieted. "But I'd 'bout as soon be dead's live with her, anyway." "Um."

Now they were going to a palace where there was an awfully big Princess, but when they had gone a bit of the way, Thumbikin was lost and gone. His mother hunted for him everywhere, and bawled to him, and wept because he was lost, and she couldn't find him again. 'Pip, Pip', said Thumbikin, 'here I am'; and he had hidden himself in the horse's mane.

Three sheep strayed into the yard, and not finding the gate again, pushed at the fence. Varvara was waked by the noise, and bundling her bedding up in her arms, she went into the house. "You might at least drive the sheep out!" the old woman bawled after her, "my lady!" "I dare say! As if I were going to slave for you Herods!" muttered Varvara, going into the house.

"You can't do it," said Barker, turning himself round, and lying flat against the ratlines, so that he could look up at his friend. "What's that?" bawled the Duke from below. "Says he will decorate the maintruck with my hat, and I say he can't do it," Barker shouted back. "I'll back Claudius, level money," answered the Duke in stentorian tones. "I'll take three to two," said Barker. "No, I won't.