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Her voice, he considered, was unnecessarily loud. He looked up resentfully. "You wanna order or doncha?" "Of course," he protested. "Well, I ast you three times. This ain't no rest-room." He glanced at the big clock and discovered with a start that it was after two. He was down around Thirtieth Street somewhere, and after a moment he found and translated the

The old lady leaned toward him with a mist in her eyes and a quaver in her voice, and asked softly, "Got ary friend that could help you, David?" The man looked straight ahead in silence. "Bamfoozle all the rest of them as much as you please, lad, but I stand to you in the place of your ma, and so I ast you plainly got ary friend that could help?"

Aa've coom to ast thy pardon!" Laura raised herself on one arm, and looked at the apparition with amazement. "Mebbe A've doon wrang. We shouldna quench the smoakin flax. Soa theer's my han, child if thoo can teaek it." The old woman held out her hand. There was an indescribable sound in her voice, as of deep waters welling up.

Always a savin and exceptin your onnurable onnur, as aforesaid. And ast for the rhino, why some do save, and some do spend, and some do hold, and some do let go, and some do have, and some do want. Whereupon if so be as he as a has the most a may be as good as another. Why not? Always a savin and exceptin your ever onnurable onnur, as aforesaid.

Herman bore the eye-to-eye very well; indeed, it seemed to please him, for he continued to laugh while Verman chuckled delightedly. The brothers had been in the country picking berries for a week, and it happened that this was their first experience of the new manifestation of Penrod. "HAVEN'T I been up at the Third?" the sinister Penrod demanded. "I don' reckon so. How come you ast ME?"

"Well, anybody'd think you was, you ast so many questions!" John's face coloured. "I beg your pardon," he said in confusion. "I didn't mean to be inquisitive!" "That's awright. No need to 'pologise. I can see you down't mean no 'arm!" His manner relaxed a little, as if he would atone to John for his former surliness. "That's the 'Orns," he said, pointing to a large public-house.

Oh, Bubbles, Florence is lost." "No 'm, she ain't," replied Bubbles, with confidence. "Oh, how do you know?" "'Cause she come in de front do' jis' as I was gwine th'ough de yard. I never stopped to ast her nothin', fo' I seen yuh a kitin' down street, an' I put after yuh, lickety-split. All of a suddent I los' sight of yuh, an' I been a standin' on de cornah waitin' fo' yuh to come back.

'Yes, 'deed, kine frien', she say, she say, when they ast her: 'Miss Julia, ma'am, they say, 'I like please strike a match fer to light my cigareet if you please, ma'am. She say: 'Light as many as you please, kine frien', she say, she say. She say: 'Smell o' cigareet dess deligh'ful li'l smell, she say.

But I'll pay anythin' you ast ef it takes me a lifetime to do it, ef you'll jest tell me how I kin git my rights." "Your rights?" questioned Michael sadly. Poor child! Had she any rights in the universe that he could help her to get? The only rights he knew for such as she were room in a quiet graveyard and a chance to be forgotten.

Und you haf arisdograts who might not pay taxes, and who holt all der offices, and get all der pooblic money, and who ist petter pefore de law, in all dings, dan ast dem dat be not arisdograts? Is it so?" Miller laughed outright, and shook his head at this question, continuing to examine the trinkets the whole time. "No, no, my friend, we've not much of that, in this part of the world, either.