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"The picnic is a success altogether," he said, after a pause. "Yes," she agreed, and as though suddenly remembering her debt, she said carelessly: "Oh, tell them in your shop that Ivan Andreitch will come round in a day or two and will pay three hundred roubles . . . . I don't remember exactly what it is." "I would give another three hundred if you would not mention that debt every day.

"Enchanting!" said Marya Konstantinovna, heaving deep sighs of ecstasy. "Children, look how fine! What peace!" "Yes, it really is fine," assented Laevsky, who liked the view, and for some reason felt sad as he looked at the sky and then at the blue smoke rising from the chimney of the duhan. "Yes, it is fine," he repeated. "Ivan Andreitch, describe this view," Marya Konstantinovna said tearfully.

I dare you to speak of it," Piotr Andreitch said to his wife every time she ventured to try to incline him to mercy. "The puppy, he ought to thank God for ever that I have not laid my curse upon him; my father would have killed him, the worthless scamp, with his own hands, and he would have done right too." At such terrible speeches Anna Pavlovna could only cross herself secretly.

People laughed and shrugged their shoulders as they looked at you, and I grieved, I grieved. . . . And forgive me, my dear; you are not nice in your person! When we met in the bathing-place, you made me tremble. Your outer clothing was decent enough, but your petticoat, your chemise. . . . My dear, I blushed! Poor Ivan Andreitch!

'But, Gavrila Andreitch, Stepan observed from below, 'he's deaf, you know he doesn't hear. They all laughed. 'What are we to do? Gavrila rejoined from above. 'Why, there's a hole there in the door, answered Stepan, 'so you shake the stick in there. Gavrila bent down. 'He's stuffed it up with a coat or something. 'Well, you just push the coat in.

She seemed to be getting ready to cry, but conquered herself, and cleared her throat. "The late Mikhaíl Andréitch, before his death," she went on, "bade me go to you. 'Be sure to go, he said. In the packet was a small silver cup with the monogram of Mikhaíl's mother.

Nobody ever does anything. Your mother spends the whole day walking about like a duchess, Granny does nothing either, nor you either. And your Andrey Andreitch never does anything either."

'I signify my acquiescence, retorted Kapiton as he disappeared. His fine language did not desert him, even in the most trying positions. The steward walked several times up and down the room. 'Well, call Tatiana now, he said at last. A few instants later, Tatiana had come up almost noiselessly, and was standing in the doorway. 'What are your orders, Gavrila Andreitch? she said in a soft voice.

Granny and Nina Ivanovna did not go out in the streets for fear of meeting Father Andrey and Andrey Andreitch. Nadya walked about the garden and the streets, looked at the grey fences, and it seemed to her that everything in the town had grown old, was out of date and was only waiting either for the end, or for the beginning of something young and fresh.

With any one else Lutchkov would thereupon have kept on more than before; Kister he did not tease. 'Well, well, sprechen Sie deutsch, Ivan Andreitch, he muttered in an undertone, 'don't be angry. 'Listen, Avdey, Kister began warmly, and he sat down beside him. Why, there are nice people in the world, hang it all!