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But Isabelle, he did lay out to do well by her, thinkin' as he did such a amazin' lot of her, and knowin' how she gin up her own ambitious hopes for his sake, and knowin' well, though he didn't really feel free to interfere, how she had signed the death-warrant to her own happiness when she parted with Tom Freeman. But so it wuz.

"No that," he once said to Maggie, "I ever cared vera muckle aboot the angels: it's the man, the perfec man, wha was there wi' the Father afore ever an angel was h'ard tell o', that sen's me upo my knees! Whan I see a man that but minds me o' Him, my hert rises wi' a loup, as gien it wad 'maist lea' my body ahint it. Love's the law o' the universe, and it jist works amazin!"

Tilton and Will Somers kept their word faithfully, and society recognized the fact and liberally patronized the doctor's store, afterward. "Got a new 'pothecary in our town," said Simes Badger. "At any rate, he's good as new, and new things draw. A 'pothecary can do amazin' sight of harm if he aint jest the right sort of man in his business."

An ominous peace had settled over the whole young company, remarked by the astute Captain Lem as the "'ca'm before a storm. 'Tain't in natur' for 'em to be so demure an' tractable. No siree. They've 'tended to their groomin' like reg'lar saints, an' they've learned to drill amazin' well. They don't shoot none to hurt, yet, 'ceptin' that Leslie himself.

Shorty sat up and started to explode, but Smoke's hand covered his mouth. "Ssh!" Smoke warned. "It's a big strike. Don't wake the neighborhood. Dawson's asleep." "Huh! You got to show me. Nobody tells anybody about a strike, of course not. But ain't it plum amazin' the way everybody hits the trail just the same?" "Squaw Creek," Smoke whispered. "It's right. Breck gave me the tip. Shallow bedrock.

"What did you learn about Stewart? Maybe he left with Danny." "Not much," said Stillwell, shortly. "Gene's hell-bent fer election! No mountains fer him." "Well tell us about him." Stillwell wiped his sweaty brow and squared himself to talk. "Wal, it's sure amazin' strange about Gene. Its got me locoed. He arrived in El Cajon a week or so ago.

I've cut off an old skirt o' my own, for your outside, an' little Joe's your very pattern for shape, so his shirt an' blouse 'll do amazin' well. As for the baby, she can put on a suit of the twinses' till so be we can do better. Now hurry up!" Glory could not help lingering for a moment to ask, "Must it be burned?

"I don't care," says Westy, pleadin'. "You could sort of introduce me, you know, and and help me out if I got stuck. You would, wouldn't you?" And it was amazin' how diff'rent I felt towards Westy from five minutes before. His best friend couldn't have looked on him fonder, or promised to stand by him closer. I calls the maid myself, discovers that Mrs.

It had stopped snowing, and though the wind still came in gusty blasts, whirling the drift against the windows, a wintry gleam of sunshine came in and touched the widow's wrinkled face. "It's amazin' how much trouble an' sorrer the' is in the world, an' how soon it begins," she remarked, moving a little to avoid the sunlight.

"'Tis an amazin' place intirely," observed Ted, who felt inclined to talk as he began to enjoy himself. "If it wasn't so dirty that an Irish pig of proper breedin' would object to come into it, I'd say it was raither agreeable."