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"'What! says the soopercilious gent, abandonin' them hostile measures, an' joy settlin' over his face. 'What! he says; 'you my brother Bill? Well, don't that beat grizzly b'ars amazin'! Come in, Bill, an' rest your hat. Which it's simply the tenderness of hell I don't miss you.

"Just you paint her portrait fair and true, and if they come anything within a hundred miles o' the mark yours will be a kingd -queendom, I mean of amazin' mothers. I sometimes fear," continued the boy, becoming grave, "it may be a long time before we set eyes on mother again."

Sheila walked majestically apart from him. "Amazin' wise, that animal is," said Gideon, taking the bridle of the tired pony, and watching Kiddie leap to the saddle of the fresh one. "Built same's a racehorse, she is. Them long legs of hers, they'd cover a heap o' ground, eh? What kinder work did she do in her own country, Kiddie? Huntin'?" "Yes, deer hunting," Kiddie answered.

The Maharanee av Gokral- Seetarun that was me lay by the favour av Providence on the far left flank behind the dhark av a pillar carved with elephints' heads. The remainder av the palanquins was in a big half circle facing in to the biggest, fattest, an' most amazin' she-god that iver I dreamed av.

"I'll explain, if you'll only hold your tongues, and not look so scared like." "No, Ruby; no, lad, you must change yer clothes first," said the smith, in a tone of authority; "why, the fire makes you steam like a washin' biler. Come along with me, an' I'll rig you out." "Ay, go hup with 'im, Ruby. Bless me, this is the most amazin' hincident as ever 'appened to me. Never saw nothink like it."

"No, I thank you," replied the latter, who knew that Dan never would have offered to help him, if he had not hoped to gain something by it. "I can get along very well by myself. The load is not a heavy one." "You're an amazin' lucky feller, Davy," continued Dan. "What you been a doin' to Silas, to make him speak so kind to us poor folks?" "I haven't done anything to him.

Thar's something moonstruck about her you can tell it by that shiftin' skeered-rabbit look in her eyes. She's just the sort to sweep all the trash under the bed an' think she's cleaned the room." "It's amazin', the small sense men have in sech matters," remarked grandfather.

Now it's up to us to live so that we get the most out of life for us an' the children. Those are mighty nice children of yours, Kate. I take to that boy something amazin', and the girl is the nicest little old lady I've seen in many a day. I think we will like knittin' and sewin' together, to the top of our bent." "My, but I'm glad you like them, Mother," said Kate.

By the time James arrived at Stonecross, it was too dark for him to see the ghastly sentinel standing at the nearer door. He walked into the parlour; and there met his father coming from the little chamber where his wife was seated. "Isna this a most amazin thing, and houpfu' as it's amazing?" cried his father. "What can there be to come oot o' 't?

I have not had a real good Ramshag in my house these two years, since Governor Maitland was here; he was amazin' fond of them, and lawyer Talkemdeaf sent his carriage there on purpose to procure them fresh for him. Now we can't get them, but we have the Shittyacks in perfection; say the word, and they shall be served up immediately."