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"'It's about twenty miles to the next wickeyup, says the soopercilious gent. "'Which I can't make it none to-night, then, says Bill. "'Not on that hoss, says the soopercilious gent, for Bill's pony that a-way is plenty played. "'Mebby, then, says Bill, ` I'd better bunk in yere. "'You can gamble you-all don't sleep yere, says the soopercilious gent; 'none whatever!

"'Thar's better sports than you-all slept on them plains, says the soopercilious gent. "Meanwhile, thar's a move or two, speshully the way he bats his eyes, about this soopercilious gent that sets Bill to rummagin' 'round in his mem'ry. At last he asks: "'Is your name Rawlins? "'Yes, sir, my name's Rawlins, says the soopercilious gent. "'Jim Rawlins of Roanoke?

'An' why not? asks Bill. "'Because I won't let you, says the soopercilious gent, a-bitin' off a piece of tobacco. 'This is my camp, an' force'ble invasions by casooal hold-ups like you, don't preevail with me a little bit. I resents the introosion on my privacy. "'But I'll have to sleep on these yere plains, says Bill a heap plaintif.

"'Jim Rawlins of Roanoke; an' the soopercilious gent reaches inside the door of the dugout, searches forth a rifle an' pumps a cartridge into the bar'l. "'Stan' your hand, Jim! says Bill, at the same time slidin' to the ground with the hoss between him an' his relatif; 'don't get impetyoous. I'm your brother Bill.

In the door is standin' a most ornery seemin' gent, with long, tangled ha'r an' beard, an' his clothes looks like he's shorely witnessed times. The hands of this ha'ry gent is in his pockets, an' he exhibits a mighty soopercilious air. Bill pulls up his cayouse for a powwow. "How far is it to a place where I can camp down for the night? asks Bill.

"'What! says the soopercilious gent, abandonin' them hostile measures, an' joy settlin' over his face. 'What! he says; 'you my brother Bill? Well, don't that beat grizzly b'ars amazin'! Come in, Bill, an' rest your hat. Which it's simply the tenderness of hell I don't miss you.