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If I get time to break you gentle to the home gang, it'll be all right; but you ain't apt to be due for a cordial welcome, not when strangers to you are lookin' for hold-ups." He had tossed the saddles an' bridles on the hosses by this time, an' we left our outfit lyin' on the rocks. We hit the saddles in the same tick an' settled into a swing.

The hat is a modification of the helmet, which always had to be worn outside the house, in the days when hold-ups and murders were even more frequent than now, and the desire for a walking-stick comes from the old fashion of carrying a spear or a sword.

"Well, you see," she said, modestly, "we've been having a lot of auto hold-ups in Chicago this winter and one of them happened to a friend of mine. "She and a friend were coming home from a party one afternoon, and when she drew up at the house, two young men popped into the car, pointed revolvers at her and told her to drive up the avenue. Well, she drove up the avenue!

"'Now stand your hand a second, says Enright, 'don't let's overlook no bets. Whatever has you Red Dog hold-ups got to eat, anyhow? "'Ain't got nothin' to eat much maybe some can stuff what you-alls calls air-tights, says the Red Dog man. 'But we has liquid, no limit. "'Got any can tomatters? says Boggs. "'Can tomatters we-alls is 'speshul strong on, says the Red Dog man.

Shiner threw open his doors to the officers, bade them search high and low, declared upon honor as he would upon oath that he himself had found the damaging evidence two pocket-books and some valueless papers on the open prairie a mile from his place the day after the third of the "hold-ups."

All the low elements lurked here, the thugs, strong-arm men, the hold-ups, the heelers, the weaklings, the bums, the diseased. In ordinary times they here dwelt in a twilight existence; but at periods of excitement as when the city burned they swarmed out like rats for plunder. Krafft held his way steadily to the wharves. There he left the causeway and descended to the level of the beach.

The policeman's downward glance at the article carried in the doctor's hand a handsome medicine case of black leather, with small silver mountings further endorsed the guarantee of the card. "All right, doctor," said the officer, stepping aside, with an air of bulky affability. "Orders are to be extra careful. Good many burglars and hold-ups lately. Bad night to be out. Not so cold, but clammy."

An examination of the two hold-ups showed that one, the man I had shot first, was dead. The other, who had guarded the door, was badly wounded and unconscious. One of the passengers had been bored through the shoulder by a stray bullet, but was not hurt seriously. "The driver bound up my arm after a fashion, and whipped up his horses.

"Howdy, Jack!" he nodded, not quite so much at his ease as usual. "Got hyer on the jump, didn't you?" "I kept movin'." "This shorely beats hell, don't it?" Lee glanced around, selected a smooth boulder, and fired his discharge of tobacco juice at it true to the inch. "Reminds me of the old days. You boys ain't old enough to recall them, but stage hold-ups were right numerous then."

When I uses the term 'o'casion, I would be onderstood as alloodin' to affairs of a simply social kind, an' not to robberies, hold-ups, hoss-larcenies, an' other an' sim'lar transactions in spec'latif crime when every gent defends his own. Speakin' social, however, I reasserts that by every roole of guidance, I'm entitled to the first shot.