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"In its inception, New England was not an agricultural community, nor a manufacturing community, nor a trading community; it was a thinking community -an arena and mart for ideas its characteristic organ being not the hand, nor the heart, nor the pocket, but the brain." The material for learning, we have seen, was of the scantiest, not only for Winthrop's Colony but for those that preceded it.

At night our Meeting was at the Widow Belknap's. Gave each one of the Meeting One of Mr. Holmes's Sermons, 12 in all; She sent her servant home with me with a Lantern. Madam Winthrop's Shutters were open as I pass'd by. November 11th. Went not to Madam Winthrop's. This is the 2d Withdraw.... About the middle of December Madam Winthrop made a Treat for her Children; Mr.

He did not say anything for a good while, and fell to watching the longing in the children's faces, and my heart grew very pitiful towards them. They were so near and yet so far from the objects of their desire. So I resolved while the supper table was being cleared to begin the distribution of my gifts, or rather, of Mr. Winthrop's. I set Mr.

The author has put into print all that remains of the record of John Winthrop's "Experience," in passages written contemporaneously with its incidents, a document distinct from the record of his "Christian Experience," written here.

About half an hour after, we observed that she was washing the dishes with her eyes shut. The condition had not been upon her five minutes before she dropped the spoon suddenly into the water, and asked permission to go out to walk. She "saw Mr. Winthrop's knife somewhere under a stone, and wanted to get it." It was fully two miles to the picnic grounds, and nearly dark.

"Might? aye what's the use of talking about might?" growled uncle Kimble, hastening out with Marner, and followed by Mr. Crackenthorp and Godfrey. "Get me a pair of thick boots, Godfrey, will you? And stay, let somebody run to Winthrop's and fetch Dolly she's the best woman to get. Ben was here himself before supper; is he gone?"

She could see quite plainly the tall beacon standing like a ship's mast on top of Beacon Hill, and farther north she strained her eyes to pick out Governor Winthrop's dwelling from the cluster of houses which straggled up the slope of Copp's Hill and which made all there was of the city of Boston in that early day.

"I certainly hope not!" said Winthrop brusquely. "I know the truth about too many people already." He turned to Garrett, who, unobtrusively, was endeavoring to make his escape. "I want to see Miss Vera," he said. "Miss Vera," interposed Gaylor. "I'm afraid that's not possible. She especially asked not to be disturbed before the seance. I'm sorry." Winthrop's manner became suspiciously polite.

I am strongly suspicious that Winthrop's discretion may not have been educated up to usefully applying the fork for feeding purposes at the table. Dr. Lyon gives the names of seven New Englanders whose inventories date from 1671 to 1693, and who owned forks. In 1673 Parson Oxenbridge had "one forked spoon," and his widow had two silver forks.

They also urged us, as every one else, not to give in to the idea of universal suffrage, which is the bane, they say, of politics in this country, and causes all their difficulties. After tea we drove home five miles in Mr. Winthrop's carriage; I like her very much, and she has more softness of manner, being a Southerner, than the Americans sometimes have. Wednesday we met Mrs.