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It was the faithful camel, who had been hunting after his master in Algiers during the last four-and-twenty hours. On seeing him, Tartarin changed countenance, and feigned not to know him, but the camel was not going to be put off. He scampered along the quay; he whinnied for his friend, and regarded him with affection.

Lightning Speed, still wearing his side-saddle, which was pulled a little crooked, bent over the chasm and turned his black eyes to Jasper, as much as to say, 'Now this work is yours. Call out to her; call out to her! Lightning Speed whinnied very gently, and then Jasper knelt down and looked into the great hole.

Tunis was about to call when he saw the old man straining upon the lower rungs of the ladder to reach the loft to pitch down a bunch of fodder. Queenie whinnied softly. "Hello, Cap'n Ira!" Tunis hailed. "What are you doing that for?" He hastened to cross the barn floor to his aid. "Where's Ida May that she lets you do this?" "Ida May?"

Whereupon came a great rush of men of both sides, striking side blows at each other, spitting, cursing, and shrieking, as they tore away like a herd of wild hogs. So, being careless of lfe, as I said, I drew rein, and turning my horse, waited quietly for them. And I knotted the reins, and laid them on the horse's neck, and stroked him, that he whinnied, then got both my hands to my sword.

'Accidental! ha, ha, ha! again whinnied Sampson. 'Really, Mr. Sampson, said Lucy, somewhat piqued, 'you are unusually gay this morning. 'Yes, of a surety I am! ha, ha, ho! face-ti-ous, ho, ho, ha! 'So unusually facetious, my dear sir, pursued the young lady, 'that I would wish rather to know the meaning of your mirth than to be amused with its effects only.

The tired horse stamped its feet impatiently, and once it whinnied. The coachman lighted his pipe and watched his dying fare. Some wag sang a drunken lyric, and Ambroise repeated at intervals: "Please not so close, Messieurs. She needs air." Then she moved her head and murmured: "Where's my Prince? My Prince Ambroise I have something " Her head fell back on his shoulder with a rigid jerk.

"But I've got to do something! I've got to do something!" He repeated the words over and over again, until they rang in his numbed brain like the refrain of some song. Sunger did not know what to make of it all. He could tell something was wrong, and whinnied once or twice. But Jack was too ill to answer him, or pat him caressingly as he always did. "Sunger, we've got to do something!

Thus Jack exclaimed, as he leaped from the Saddle and held the reins lightly to restrain Sunger. The pony snorted, whinnied, and, after prancing about a few moments, stood still. "That's better!" commented Jack. "Now let's see what happened."

The balustrade of the upper balconies was eaten away. Through a magnificent colonnade I could see a second court on one side, where were the offices; the door was rotting. An old coachman was there cleaning an old carriage. The indifferent air of this servant allowed me to assume that the handsome stables, where of old so many horses had whinnied, now sheltered two at most.

Kurd raised his head, whinnied once or twice, stretched out his velvet muzzle, as though to smell what Dave held out, and then came slowly toward the youth. "That's more like it," Dave murmured. "Now if you don't take a sudden notion, and bolt off just as I reach for your reins, I'll be all right. Steady boy! Come on Kurd!"