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"O! Somers has got no end of a scholarship at Cambridge an awfully swell thing and Dr Lane gave a holiday directly he got the telegram announcing the news." "Well done, old Somers!" said Kenrick. "What shall we do?" "O! I've had a scheme for a long time in my head, Ken; I want you to come with me to the top of Appenfell." "Whew-w-w! but it's a tremendous long walk, and no one goes up in winter."

It was Martin who untied the checked brown apron, disentangling from the strings the silky gold tendrils that were blowing over Cherry's white neck, and Martin who opened the door for her sugary fingers, and Martin who watched the flying little figure out of sight with a prolonged "Whew-w-w!" of utter astonishment. The child was a beauty.

"Whew-w-w, why did you hold it out on me, old man?" gasped the sporting editor. "No wonder you kicked me black and blue without knowing it. I hope he is a chip of the old block. I saw you play here in your last game." Seeley grunted something and resumed staring at the field.

Coggan, who, no less than the panting horses, had latterly shown signs of weariness, again scrutinized the mystic characters. This time only three were of the regular horseshoe shape. Every fourth was a dot. He screwed up his face and emitted a long "Whew-w-w!" "Lame." said Oak. "Yes Dainty is lamed; the near-foot-afore." said Coggan slowly staring still at the footprints.

Young "Rats," who was always ready to take part in anything from a garden party to a game of marbles, immediately accepted the invitation. "Jolly glad you told me," he cried; "wouldn't have missed seeing it for anything. Jack Vance and Grundy whew-w-w!"

"'Tain't sealed," said he, reasoning with himself, "so there can't be any secrets in it. Let's see hello! 'Ernest is somewhere in this country; I wish to see you about him and about nothing else. Whew-w-w! What splendid material for a column, if there was only a live paper in this infernal country! Looking for that young scamp, eh? There is something to her, and I'll help her if I can.

"Whew-w-w... abomination of... spoken of by... hush!" was Henderson's whispered comment. "I call that hard lines." But he continued his "Lament for Blissidas" notwithstanding, introducing Saint Winifred and other mourners over Bliss's fate, and ending with the admonition that in writing the lines he was "To touch the tender tops of various quills, And mind and dot his quaint enamelled i's."

You may think me a trifler, Easelmann; but every nerve I have is quivering with agony at the thought of the pain I have caused her." "Whew-w-w." said Easelmann. "Found her? Then she's eloped too! I just left a disconsolate lover mourning over a runaway mistress. It seems to be epidemic. There is a stampede of unhappy females.

They heard shouts, too, and they shouted in answer, and it was not long before they had guided a flotilla of small boats toward them. This proved to be a rescuing party organized and headed by the anxious Mr. Ford and old Dr. Lyman, who were almost distracted until they made doubly certain that every lad was safe and whole of limb and body. "Whew-w-w!

He thrust both arms out, as if delving into the treasures of his future. "Whew-w-w!" he sighed. "I'll need oodles of money. I'm going to be as busy as a woodpecker in the acorn season." Donna drew his arm within hers and they walked slowly up and down the brick-lined patio. "It means a fight to the finish, Bobby dear and you're terribly handicapped.