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You say you don't want Count What's-His-Name, that is, you don't want him as much as you did, and you do say that it would be the grandest thing in the world if Maud could be the Princess of Grosstick " "Graustark, Will." "That's what I said. Well, if you want her to be the Princess of THAT, I'll see that she is, providing this fellow is a gentleman and worthy of her.

Th' ol' woman doesn't read, but she picks up what's goin' on. 'Tis 'Honoria, did Lor-rd What's-his-name marry th' fair Aminta? or 'But that Lady Jane was a case. An' so it goes. There's no injymint in th' house, an' they're usin' me cravats f'r bookmarks." "'Tis all wrong," said Mr. Dooley.

Every lad turned toward the leader of the Owl Patrol, who stood as if stricken dumb with horror. But even as they gazed at him he shook off the mental fetters and immediately became a lad of action. "Fellows," he cried, "listen! There's a man in there in the fire. Perhaps three of them. Jiminy, you remember, Dave Dave, what's-his-name Connors.

And all those railway people, with their honest work! Of course, their work is honest! But what if you cannot work honestly till the thieves are satisfied? Could he not, a gentleman, have told this Sir John what's-his-name that Montero had to be bought off he and all his Negro Liberals hanging on to his gold-laced sleeve?

Anyhow, 'A Man of Words' is not like other novels. It's peculiar." "Peculiar ?" she repeated. "Of a peculiar, of an unparalleled obscurity," he explained. "There has been no failure approaching it since What's-his-name invented printing. I hadn't supposed that seven copies of it were in circulation." "Really?" said the Duchessa. "A correspondent of mine in London recommended it.

There 's this difference between you and me, though, my Aminta; one of us has the fireplace prepared for what's-his-name "passion." Kiss me. How could you fancy you were going to have a woman for your friend and keep hidden from her any one of the secrets that blush! and with Paggy to aid! I am sure it means very little. Admiration for good handwriting is a smile broke the sentence.

But land, Rebecky, nobody'd swaller that there village maiden o' your'n, and as for what's-his-name Littlefield, that come out o' them bushes, such a feller never 'd a' be'n IN bushes! No, Rebecky, you're the smartest little critter there is in this township, and you beat your Uncle Jerry all holler when it comes to usin' a lead pencil, but I say that ain't no true Riverboro story!

"Well, if ever I see picters, I see 'em now, and I declare to goodness it's as interestin' as playactin', every bit. Miss Di with all them boughs in her head, looks like the Queen of Sheby, when she went a-visitin' What's-his-name; and if Miss Laura ain't as sweet as a lally-barster figger, I should like to know what is."

Then the old man got to cussing, and cussed everything and everybody he could think of, and then cussed them all over again to make sure he hadn't skipped any, and after that he polished off with a kind of a general cuss all round, including a considerable parcel of people which he didn't know the names of, and so called them what's-his-name when he got to them, and went right along with his cussing.

By that time, though, I'd got a better view myself. And say, hadn't I seen them ruddy cheeks and that gray hair and them droopy eyes before? Why, sure! It's what's-his-name, the old guy who blew into the Corrugated awhile ago, my absentee boss Ballard! Maybe I'd have told Zenobia all about him if there'd been time; but there wa'n't.