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Updated: August 9, 2024

An' the neighbours wor all mighty well plased, to be sure, for gettin' all the divarsion of a wake, an' two weddin's for nothin. Being a Tenth Extract from the Legacy of the late Francis Purcell, P.P. of Drumcoolagh.

And she says not to buy any furniture till all the presents come, and then I can settle the rooms for you while you and Lily Rose are away. Lots of the things you are expecting to buy will be given you." "It's risky," said the Boarder dubiously. "We'll most likely git casters and bibles and tidies. That's what I've allers seen to weddin's."

"Spring is a good time for weddin's, and I shouldn't wonder ef there was quite a number." "Nor I;" and Saul and Sophie smiled at one another as they saw how carefully Randal arranged Emily's wraps. Then with kisses, thanks and all the good wishes that happy hearts could imagine, the guests drove away, to remember long and gratefully that pleasant country Christmas. "Better late than never."

They had half an hour off in the afternoon, and were comparing notes. 'Nice-lookin' couple, ain't they, John? said the maid, with the air of an expert. 'I don't know as we've 'ad a better since the spring weddin's. 'I don't know as I'd go as far as that, said the fat waiter critically. ''E'd pass all right. 'E's an upstandin' young man with a good sperrit in 'im.

Weddin's are great places for sheddin' tears, you know. If I sold 'em the handkerchiefs all well and good; but if they laughed and said they had a plenty, I got out my sample bottle of 'May Lilock', that's the name of the cologne, and asked 'em to smell of it. 'If you cry with that on your handkerchief, says I, 'all hands will be glad to have you do it.

God bless her, did 'e look 'ow she flickered up when she seed faither's flags a flyin'?" "Theer's a right way an' a wrong o' doin' weddin's, Sarah, an' 'tedn' a question whether a gal's better pleased or no.

"Yes, the widow Doxey and old John Towson. This is good meat, brother Starbuck smoked with hickory wood, I reckon." "Yes, hick'ry an' sass'frass. I reckon you pick up a good many weddin's along about this time of the year." "Well, a pretty fair sprinkling." "So Miz Doxey finally cotch old John," said Jasper and his wife declared she wouldn't make light of it. "Light of it?

I hear tell dat dey whup her so hard dat she couldn' walk no mo'. "Us never had no big fun'als or weddin's on de place. Didn' have no marryin' o' any kin'. Folks in dem days jus' sorter hitched up together an' call deyse'ves man an' wife. All de cullud folks was buried on what dey called Platnum Hill. Dey didn' have no markers nor nothin' at de graves. Dey was jus' sunk in places.

"Our clo'es was all wove and made on de plan'ation. Our ever'day ones, we called 'hick'ry strips. We had a' plen'y er good uns. We was fitted out an' out each season, an' had two pairs of shoes, an' all de snuff an' 'bacco we wanted every month. "No, not any weddin's. It was kinder dis way.

'I have already given orders for dinner, Elizabeth. 'Well, I musta forgotten 'em. An' just as I was comin' in I 'eard Miss Marryun talkin' about Mr. Roarings wantin' to put the weddin' orf. Don't you let 'im do it, miss. I've 'eard o' young women puttin' off their weddin's so long that in the end they've never took place at all. I've 'ad it 'appen to myself, so I know.

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