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Always askin' me when the weddin's comin' off. But sho! They know well enough I never had the money to git married on." "Got enough now, though, ain't you, Uncle Jimmy?" says I, winkin'. "Too blamed much," says he. "Cap'n Bill showed me that plain at our last talk. 'Why, you old fool, says he, 'if it turns out true, then you're a mighty rich man, 'most a millionaire!

"So I am, Solon, and my wife with me," presenting Zoe, who timidly held out her little gloved hand. Solon took it respectfully, gazing at her in wide-eyed and open-mouthed wonder. "Ki! Marse Ed'ard, you don' say you's ben an' gwine an' got married! Why dere's weddin's an' weddin's in de family!"

Pade. She got merried by an Episcopal minister, and he furgot his surplus, and that was all she hed hired him fer, so she rented our'n fer him, and Mr. Jimmels, her new husband, took it outen the minister's pay. Somethin' allers goes wrong to her weddin's." "Does she have them often?" interrupted John gravely. "Quite frequent." "'Aug. 3, Mister Vedder, Ticket Seller to the Theayter. 1 doller.

You know how women are about such things. They may be willin' to take a chance along some lines, but when it comes to weddin's and funerals they're stand-patters. So Sunday afternoon, when I gets a 'phone call from Mr.

"Oh, Noel!" she murmured ecstatically. And, "Oh, Noel!" said her mother, suddenly coming up behind them. The chief bridesmaid laughed roguishly over Noel's shoulder. "I like weddin's," she said. Noel set her down and rose. "My dear Mrs. Musgrave, I've been hunting for you everywhere. Have you had any tea?" She smiled at him with amused reproof. A very sweet smile had Mrs.

Now you know, missy, of co'se, dese heah broom weddin's dey ain't writ down in nuther co't-house nur chu'ch books an' so ef any o' dese heah smarty meddlers was to try to bring up ole sco'es an' say dat Sister Sophy-Sophia wasn't legally married, dey wouldn't be no witnesses but me an' de broom, an' I'd have to witness for it, an' an' I wouldn't be no legal witness."

What a case for funerals he will be, and shockin' casualities! But he won't be good for much on a weddin' occasion. And speakin' of weddin's brings me back to my subject agin. No, it wuzn't any of these things that cast that mournful shadder on my eyebrows, anon, and even oftener, when I wuz out by myself And I spoze that I might as well tell what it wuz that I regretted and missed

"If brown alpaca's good enough for weddin's and ministers, I reckon it'll do for orphans that don't half earn their keep," resumed Grandmother, with her keen eyes fixed upon Rosemary. "What put the notion into your head?" queried Aunt Matilda, with the air of one athirst for knowledge.