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Updated: July 31, 2024

None the less, it does appear that Captain Green had been pirating somebody, and perhaps he was 'none the waur o' a hanging, though, as he had an English commission to act against pirates, it was argued that, if he had been fighting at all, it was against pirates that he had been making war.

"There may be waur things nor a bit lee. Whan they hear that at that time ye gae birth till a lad bairn, the whilk was stown awa', an' never hard tell o' till noo 'It may weel be, fowk'll say: 'them 'at has drunk wad drink again! It wad affoord rizzons, ye see, an' guid anes, for the bairn bein' putten oot a' sicht, and wad mak the haul story mair nor likly i' the jeedgment o' a' 'at hard it."

"Hear till him now!" said the housekeeper. "It's a shame to hear a douce young lad speak in that way, since a' the warld kens that they maun either marry or do waur." "I beg your pardon, sir, my wants shall be very few; and would you please to give me the gold chain, which the Margrave gave to my father after the battle of Lutzen" "Mercy on us! the gowd chain?" exclaimed his uncle.

"Na, he's no nae waur that I ken of."* * It is, I believe, a piece of free-masonry, or a point of conscience, among the Scottish lower orders, never to admit that a patient is doing better. The closest approach to recovery which they can be brought to allow, is, that the pairty inquired after is "Nae waur."

"An' as for friends, ye suld just be unco glad o' the chance that garr'd the leddy bide here, and no amang her ain folk. Else there wadna hae been sic a sad welcome for her bonnie bairn. Maybe a waur, though," added the woman to herself, with a sigh, as she once more half-buried her little nursling in her capacious embrace.

It's like to blaw a bonnetfu', and she rows awfu' in ony win'. I dinna think she cud capsize, but for wamlin' she's waur nor a bairn with the grips. In absolute helplessness, the boys had let him talk on: there was nothing more to be done; and Alan was in a talkative mood. 'Fegs! gin 't come on to blaw, he resumed, 'I wadna wonner gin they got the skipper to set them ashore at Stanehive.

"She said to me," Whamond continued, "that the women o' the congregation would be fond to handle the hair. Could I tell her that the women was waur agin him than the men? I shivered to hear her. "'Syne when they're a'sitting breathless listening to his preaching, she says, 'they'll be able to picture him as a bairn, just as I often do in the kirk mysel'.

"Well," said I, "there can be no bogles here, Neil; for it's not likely they would fash themselves to frighten solan geese." "Ay?" says Andie, "is that what ye think of it? But I'll can tell ye there's been waur nor bogles here." "What's waur than bogles, Andie?" said I. "Warlocks," said he. "Or a warlock at the least of it. And that's a queer tale, too," he added.

Tibbie was earnest wi' him to take a bite of meat, but he couldna think o't, nor would he take his foot out of the stirrup, and took off the brandy wholely at twa draughts, and named a toast at each: the first was the memory of Sir Robert Redgauntlet, and might he never lie quiet in his grave till he had righted his poor bond-tenant; and the second was a health to Man's Enemy, if he would but get him back the pock of siller or tell him what came o't, for he saw the haill world was like to regard him as a thief and a cheat, and he took that waur than even the ruin of his house and hauld.

I canna' say I preen my faith in sea-bogles an' the like, though there's a mony as claims to ha' seen a' that and waur.

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