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'And never, I hope, to part with her more, said Waverley. 'I trust in God, not, unless it be to win the means of supporting her; for my things are but in a bruckle state; but what signifies warld's gear?

Novit's hand Warld's gear was henceforward the least of her care, nor was it likely to be muckle her mister She hoped this would make it easy for her sister to settle;" and immediately after this expression, she wished Butler himself all good things, in return for his kindness to her.

They'll get a back-cast o' his hand yet, that think sae muckle o' the creature and sae little o' the Creator sae muckle o' warld's gear and sae little o' a broken covenant sae muckle about thae wheen pieces o' yellow muck, and sae little about the pure gold o' the Scripture sae muckle about their ain friend and kinsman, and sae little about the elect, that are tried wi' hornings, harassings, huntings, searchings, chasings, catchings, imprisonments, torturings, banishments, headings, hangings, dismemberings, and quarterings quick, forby the hundreds forced from their ain habitations to the deserts, mountains, muirs, mosses, moss-flows, and peat-hags, there to hear the word like bread eaten in secret."

With this intention, he had passed the little window, and was approaching the door, when he heard a chair overturned and a noise within, as if some one had fled to the farther end of the house in great confusion. This induced him to listen for a moment; and, while thus listening, he heard Elspeth exclaim "What i' the warld's come owre the lassie noo! whaur hae ye run till, Kate?

Forget it, Charlie, as fast as you can. This warld's wealth, when I think o't, Its pride, and a' the lave o't, Fie, fie on silly coward man, That he should be the slave o't. In another week Mr. Edmonstone and his eldest daughter were to depart on their Irish journey.

'And never, I hope, to part with her more, said Waverley. 'I trust in God not, unless it be to win the means of supporting her; for my things are but in a bruckle state; but what signifies warld's gear?

Willie had more o' the warld's gear than I, for his father had provided him wi' sufficient funds to purchase a good lot o' wild land, which he did in the township of M , an' I was to wark wi' him on shares. We were amang the first settlers in that place, an' we found the wark before us rough an' hard to our heart's content.

But curse on the warld's gear Had it not been the week before the bridal But I am nae babe, to sit down and greet about it. If I can but find Grace, and my grandmother, and my sisters weel, I can go to the wars in Flanders, as my gude-sire did, under the Bellenden banner, wi' auld Buccleuch. At ony rate, I will keep up a heart, or they will lose theirs a'thegither."

I grant the warld and the warld's gear sits ower near my heart whiles, as it does to mony a ane But I am an honest lad; and, though I spak o' leaving ye in the muir, yet God knows it was far frae my purpose, but just like idle things folk says when they're driving a bargain, to get it as far to their ain side as they can And I like your honour weel for sae young a lad, and I wadna part wi' ye lightly."

"'The warld's wrack we share o't, The warstle and the care o't. For it's you and I alane, lad." And the dog would trot up to him, place his great forepaws on his shoulders, and stand thus with his great head overtopping his master's, his ears back, and stump tail vibrating. You saw them at their best when thus together, displaying each his one soft side to the other.