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"Hegh, sirs!" was the expression of the ci-devant ploughman of the mains of Tillietudlem; "it's an unco thing that decent folk should be harled through the country this gate, as if they were a warld's wonder." "I am sorry to see you here, Cuddie," said Morton, who, even in his own distress, did not lose feeling for that of others.

But woman may hear it and lay it up in her soul and bide at hame, while a man, if he get but a glisk of it in his fool's heart, must needs up and awa' to the warld's end on some daft-like ploy. But gang your ways and fare-ye-weel.

"Yon's my bit. I howkit it richt on the verra tap, and ilka year I gang there to make it neat and ordlerly. I've trystit wi' fower men in different pairishes that whenever they hear o' my death, they'll cairry me up yonder and bury me there. And then I'll never leave it, but be still and quiet to the warld's end.

The best sheep-dog as iver penned a flock Adam M'Adam's Red Wull!" He pauses, the pewter at his lips, and looks at his audience with flashing eyes. There is no response from them. "Wullie, here's to you!" he cries. "Luck and life to ye, ma trusty fier! Death and defeat to yer enemies!" "'The warld's warld's wrack we share o't, The warstle and the care o't;"

I like it far better than the town, for there isna a wheen duddie bairns to be crying after ane, as if ane were a warld's wonder, just because ane maybe is a thought bonnier and better put-on than their neighbours though, Jeanie, ye suld never be proud o' braw claiths, or beauty neither wae's me! they're but a snare I ance thought better o'them, and what came o't?"

He wasna like his father nae profane company-keeper nae swearer nae drinker nae frequenter of play-house, or music-house, or dancing-house nae Sabbath-breaker nae imposer of aiths, or bonds, or denier of liberty to the flock. He clave to the warld, and the warld's gear, a wee ower muckle, but then there was some breathing of a gale upon his spirit," etc. etc.

An' it's as well to do't while I'm alive to see to't mysel' for I've often observed that if ye leave your warld's gear to the poor when ye're deed, just for the gude reason that ye canna tak it to the grave wi' ye, it'll melt in a wonderfu' way through the hands o' the 'secretaries' an' 'distributors' o' the fund, till there's naething left for those ye meant to benefit.

"A few hours before she died she tore up her will in a screamin' fury o' Christian charity and forethought, meanin' to mak anither in favor o' leavin' a' her warld's trash to the Fund for Distributin' Bible Knowledge among the Heathen but she never had time to fulfill her intention.

The attendants bustled together, and began to strike their horses with the spur, and call upon Caleb to show them the road. But the voice of that careful seneschal was heard above the tumult, "Oh, stop sirs, stop turn bridle, for the luve of Mercy; add not loss of lives to the loss of warld's gean!

"The warld gaes vara weel wi' me, thanks to ye for speirin'. No that the warld's onie better, but the Lord turns all to gude for His ain. The minister's in his study, and he'll be blithe to see ye. Now, my lassie I ask your pardon, but ye see I'm used to Miss Flora."