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Why had they not offered him the opportunity to get in on the ground floor with them? He would have given them the water then, glad to see Wanda's father prospering. But they were holding out, they were waiting for something, they had made sure of his consent to let them have what they wanted. Why?

He dropped Wanda's hands with a parting squeeze which was frankly unhidden, strode over to Mrs. Leland whom he kissed resoundingly, and put out a big, strong hand to Martin Leland. For just a fraction of a second the two women knew that Leland was hesitating, for an instant they waited fearfully, for what he might do.

Then Julia dabbed at her eyes and fled to her kitchen, her emotions finding outlet in an instantaneous desire to make him a pie, Wanda laid a plate for him and supper went on. Chiefly because of Wanda's eager questions and Wayne Shandon's laughing willingness to tell about his adventures, the abstraction on the part of Martin Leland and the growing anxiety in Mrs. Leland's eyes went unnoticed.

Old Bots is pawing the earth and snorting his eagerness to help out. Say the word and we're off." Involuntarily Wanda showed her surprise at the arrangement. It was the first word she had had of their way lying together. "The lady's going over to the Bar L-M," Dart remarked as he observed Wanda's look. "She's a friend of Red's." "Oh," said Wanda.

Perhaps to Italy, to Rome or Naples." We were sitting on Wanda's ottoman. She wore her ermine jacket, her hair was loose and fell like a lion's mane down her back. She clung to my lips, drawing my soul from my body. My head whirled, my blood began to seethe, my heart beat violently against hers.

He could guess that by this time the fences about Wanda's home were hidden under a smooth covering that thickened day by day, night after night. When he looked out from the screen across his doorway he saw that the smaller trees were blotted out and reckoned that upon the level floor of the valley the snow lay ten feet deep.

She whispered it in terror, like a cry in extreme danger. She was more frightened by Wanda's wicked words than she had been by M. de Talbrun or by M. de Cymier. She ceased to know what she was saying till the last words, "You have good sense and you will think about it," met her ear. Jacqueline said not a word. Wanda took her arm. "You may be sure," she said, "that I am thinking only of your good.

The members of the club stood rigid beneath the pavilion awning, some with field-glasses, others with knitted brows and glittering eyes. All eyes were turned in one direction, except Wanda's and Cartoner's. Then, when the race was over and the roar had subsided, Martin came hurrying back, and one glance at his face told them that there was no need for anxiety.

You're some dancer, I'll say. Honest, I could dance with you all night." A little pressure of her arm. Somewhere in the recesses of his brain a memory cell broke. Dimly he heard himself saying, "Oh, they all tell me that." "Crazy about yourself, ain't you!" "Not as crazy as I am about you," with tardy gallantry. Then, suddenly, Chug stopped dancing. He stopped, and stepped back from Wanda's arms.

Was he not seeking to blind himself to the right and the wrong of it? This was the sort of thing that Sledge Hume would do; should Wayne Shandon do it? Was his first venture after the priceless gift of Wanda's love to him, to be a thing like this?