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Updated: August 14, 2024

"It's bad enough, Drayne, to have to play side partner to you in the biggest game in the year, without having to listen to your fat-headed criticism of better men." Drayne flushed, and might have retorted, had not Wadleigh broken in, in measured tones, yet with much significance in his voice: "Yes, Drayne; cut out all remarks until you've made good.

"Our fellows have saved a whitewash, and that's all," reflected Drayne. "They'd have done better with me, and I guess Wadleigh knows it by this time." "Slug's the word," Pike passed around, swiftly. "No fouling, but use your weight, dash and speed. Slam these Gridley rubes. Hammer em!"

"It's the toughest luck that ever happened," grumbled Hazelton, right guard, to Holmes, right tackle. "And I don't believe Drayne is in anything like condition, either." "Now, see here, you two," broke in Captain Wadleigh behind them, as he gripped an arm of either boy, "no croaking. We can't afford it." "We can't afford anything," grinned Hazelton uneasily.

So Bayliss stood back. "Bad blood, is there?" asked Wadleigh, as the new arrivals hurried up. "Prescott, after insulting Bert, flew at him," retorted Bayliss, panting some with the effort at lying. Dodge was now standing well back. He had parried three of Dick's blows, but had not yet taken the offensive.

There were a few other fellows who wanted to captain the team. Why didn't some of their friends put them in nomination? Dick & Co. formed a substantial element in the team. They were for "Hen" Wadleigh, and now Tom Reade spoke: "I move that Wadleigh be considered our choice for captain." "Second the motion," uttered Dan Dalzell, hastily. Coach Morton put the proposition, which was carried.

They've kep' me till I wouldn't stay no longer, an' now I've got so near as this, I guess I ain't goin' to stop for nobody!" Mrs. Pendleton looked despairingly at her husband; and he, absently wiping his razor on a bit of paper, looked at her. "Marthy!" she burst forth. "No, Cyrus, don't you say one word! You can't go! There's somebody there!" Mrs. Wadleigh, in turn, put down her work.

A duel was of course anticipated between Mr. Parkinson and Colonel Musgrave, and the colonel indeed offered, through Major Wadleigh, any satisfaction which Mr. Parkinson might desire. The engineer, with garnishments of profanity, considered dueling to be a painstakingly-described absurdity and wished "the old popinjay" joy of his bargain.

But now hats were thrown up in the air, and frantic yells resounded when it was discovered that Dick had the ball again, and that Darrin, Hudson, Wadleigh, quarter and left half were fighting valiantly to push him through the stubborn, panting line of Filmore High School. It was a splendid fight, but a losing one.

I had a little the night he sassed me." "Well! well!" said Mrs. Wadleigh, again. And then she continued, musingly: "So I s'pose you're Joe Mellen, an' the man you struck was Solomon Ray?" He came to his feet with a spring. "How'd you know?" he shouted. "Law! I've been visitin' over Hillside way!" said Mrs. Wadleigh, comfortably.

We'll thump his head off!" gasped Dodge, with almost a sob in his voice, to was so angry. Bayliss would have been nothing loath to "jump in." But, just as Dick Prescott, after calling "guard," aimed his second blow at Bert, Fred Ripley, Purcell and "Hen" Wadleigh all hurried up to the scene. For Bayliss to be caught fighting two-to-one would have resulted in a quick thrashing for him.

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